Human Extinction By 2030 ? -The Crisis of Civilization!

Climate scientists have been warning us of the tipping point issue and that we can’t see them coming but we do see them in the rear view mirror.
Remembering that there is a 10 to 20 year lag in the cause and effect between when we emit carbon and when we see the effects.

This blogger believes we have crossed sufficient tipping points for us to now be in Runaway Global Warming.

The Collapse of Industrial civilisation is imminent:  “China manufactured more cement from 2010-13 than the US had produced over the entire 20th century. It could not last and so it is proving.”  All this is allowed by the owners and controllers of capital without any consideration being given to the collapse of our biosphere, which is progressing contemporaneously.
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Excellent Guardian article here: The World Economic Order is Collapsing and This Time There Seems No Way Out.


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Below is a wonderful Crowd Funded documentary by ‘bestselling author, investigative journalist and international security scholar‘ Nafeez Ahmed.  ‘He is executive director of the Institute for Policy Research & Development, and author of A User’s Guide to the Crisis of Civilization among other books.’

It seems incredible to think that the human movie could be coming to an abrupt halt, but if you were able to ask the 150 to 200 species that go extinct every day,  I’m sure that they would say it was rather sudden!
Being that oil it is now under $40, some people might question Nafeez’s comments about the price of oil to skyrocket.

I believe the reason for that, is that the Empire is artificially forcing the price of oil down as part of it’s undeclared war on Russia, Venezuela, Iran and the Brics Block.

Published on Jan 19, 2016 // “The Crisis of Civilization was uploaded to highlight the overwhelming about of scientific information pointing to human extinction by 2030.  Governments and Universities they control are in denial.”

Nafeez  explains the fantasy that is low CO2 Nuclear and much much more:

1 hr 17 minute which I promise you won’t regret if truth and reality is what you are looking for.   ‘Human Extinction By 2030 -The Crisis of Civilization!’

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Professor McPherson will be touring NZ with this blogger in November 2016 discussing runaway abrupt climate change and collapse.  Professor Guy McPherson is the worlds leading proponent of Near Term Human Extinction (NTHE).  His website is called Nature Bats Last.  His radio show with colleague Mike Sliwa has the same name and is hosted at PRN.FM

I'm an anti-imperialist, environmental activist and blue ocean sailor, who is passionate about the earth and all it's inhabitants without favour. Brace for imminent impact as we bare witness to the non-linear unraveling of the biosphere and habitability disappearing for most if not all complex life on the only habitable planet we know of. To quote President Niinistö in North Russia: ‘If We Lose the Arctic, We Lose the World’. Folks we have lost the Arctic.

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Posted in Abrupt Climate Change, Collapse, Near Term Human Extinction--NTHE, Videos
28 comments on “Human Extinction By 2030 ? -The Crisis of Civilization!
  1. John Cossham says:

    Excellent film, thanks Kevin!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. bill says:

    Due to my age and state of health I’m certain to be extinct by 2030.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. sheilach2 says:

    If the US thought they could bring down Russia, Venezuela, Iran & the Bric block with fracking, they were wrong.
    Fracking has tanked, brought down by those same low oil prices & the fact that fracked wells are very short lived, tens of thousands of workers have been laid off, companies are going bankrupt & oil will indeed, rise again & soon as our reserves are in decline.

    We had to have known that fossil fuels are TEMPORARY & yet we STUPIDLY fed our growth with this temporary resource.
    No wonder we are headed to extinction.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Kevin Hester says:

    Have a listen to Mike Ruppert’s take on Near Term Human Extinction.

    Liked by 1 person

    • sheilach2 says:

      I remember the last video Micheal Rupert made, I remember the awful PAIN in his face as he spoke, not long afterwards, he ended his life.
      I was much pained but not too surprised at that, he was too aware & too sensitive to what he saw happening all around him.
      I’m no brain, I’m not that smart, but even dumb ‘ol me could see way back in the 1970’s, I knew we were overpopulated, the book “Population bomb” should have been read by our “leaders” then they should have read “Limits to growth” but they didn’t.

      We keep feeding our growth with a temporary resource, the result of our stupidity is all too clear now unless your an economist, religious believer or a politician.
      “Renewables” cannot “replace” oil because they are made with & from oil, resources are limited & in decline including those needed to build more solar panels & wind turbines.

      These “renewables” do have their value in areas with no electricity, at least those people who never had electricity can now have a light, a radio or even perhaps – refrigeration!
      Or they will for a little while longer.
      But in the end, our time is coming to an end, what will be our legacy? a ruined, dying planet & a ground cover of BONES, most of them from US.

      Liked by 1 person

      • siriusintucson says:

        Thank you!!! Nowhere in this film is Human Overpopulation even hinted at. ANY system of food production, distribution of wealth, land and water preservation, etc. will be defeated by too many people needing these “ resources”. And by the way, wildlife would also appreciate being given somewhere to live in peace without being gawked at in cages and aquariums. Anthropocentric thinking is the main reason I have little in common with “ progressives” , “ liberals” or “ conservatives”.


  5. Kevin Hester says:

    Great little clip on this same theme;

    Liked by 2 people

  6. siriuslyforanimals says:

    I have not watched this yet, but will very soon. Honestly though, my firstbreaction when I read the title was “sounds fair to me”.The human species has proven itself to be a self-absorbed, greedy,overbreeding and overconsuming creature with a superiority complex. My hope was that it was very, very slightly possible that we would be able to change our destructive ways before we brought our planet to its knees, but alas, nature will prevail in the end.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Dannyvan says:

    Is man one of God’s blunders, or is God one of man’s blunders? I think the former!

    Liked by 1 person

    • sheilach2 says:

      I think “god” is one of humans biggest blunder!
      By believing in a all powerful, supernatural “creator” being, it allows ANYTHING to be done in the name of this “god” including the destruction of all life on this planet, after all, can’t “god” just “make” it all over again?
      The OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE has shown us that we EVOLVED over billions of years along with all other living things on this planet, we are ALL RELATED!
      By destroying them, we are destroying ourselves.
      Our willful IGNORANCE has led us to rush over the brink, extinction awaits us.
      Thank you for the video Kevin, if only more people, especially POLITICIANS would see & heed it’s warning but their too busy grubbing for more money from their rich greedy “friends”.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Kevin Hester says:

    The latest from Sam Carana.

    Liked by 1 person

    • sheilach2 says:

      Well “Sam” do you still believe that solar panels & wind turbines can replace OIL for generating electricity when they are MADE with OIL?
      “Sam” I’m STILL NOT a “climate denier” even though I still do not think that solar panels & wind turbines can replace oil or even generate enough electricity temporarily to make a noticable dent in our fossil fuel use, I wish they could but instead, we are merely using this technology to ADD to our energy mix, not to replace some of our use of FF.
      We will indeed “get off oil” but it will be the hard way through depletion.

      Liked by 2 people

  9. Kevin Hester says:

    New essay from Professor Guy McPherson on this topic.


  10. Good Gawd, the Trump supporters don’t believe in climate change & they have 40 million guns.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. sheilach2 says:

    40 million people with guns, at least half Trump supporters & most of those are fundamentalist believers!
    If that doesn’t leave a load in your pants, what will!


  12. Kevin Hester says:

    Short video on Jack Lovelocks take on collapse.


  13. Kevin Hester says:

    50 minute documentary on the 6th ‘Great’ Extinction.


    • siriusintucson says:

      Humans have overwhelmingly proved themselves to be a self- serving, violent, over- consuming and over-reproducing and destructive species. We are turning Earth into a garbage dump, and now we want to go where no one has gone before and screw up the rest of the universe. And BTW,here is a solution for gun violence: a worldwide ban on males having any access to firearms.Its not going to happen, but please, lets start dealing with the “macho”,( I am a tough guy and also a misunderstood victim) mentality, perpetuated generation after generation that keeps this ongoing slaughter of all living beings on this planet.Females are far from blameless,but it is a fact that males are the source of violence in all societies.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. German says:

    Heya my business is somebody in charge of in this article. I discovered this specific aboard and I to find It genuinely practical & this helped me to available a lot. I’m hoping to provide one thing all over again in addition to enable some others as you aided my family German.


  15. DHB says:

    Solar power, wind power, water power, or any alternative of power will never replace diesel fuel, ( Heavy Equipment Power). This means all tractor trailers, construction heavy equipment, diesel generators, and others we are not aware of. There will never be a solar powered tractor trailer. How are we going to get our food to the grocery store.
    Has any one out there priced the cost for a small cape style house to make totally solar powered. Then there’s the longevity of the panels. If its too expensive to afford once, like a solar powered car, forget about the second time total replacement. Then there’s the battery back ups, and all the electrical controller system, to make it all work. Battery replacement as well.

    Unfortunately the inertia, of what has developed over hundreds of years, has more exponential energy behind it. Even the king of the jungle cannot stop an elephant stampede.

    Just my high school dropout, carpenter logic.

    I wish everyone who contributed to this article, and responded, peace love happiness and affordability of the same.


    Liked by 1 person

  16. This iis a great post thanks

    Liked by 1 person

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Kevin Hester

Kevin Hester is currently living on Rakino Island, a small island in the Hauraki Gulf near Auckland, New Zealand, monitoring the unravelling of the biosphere and volunteering at the Rakino Island Nursery is currently developing a proposal to create a marine reserve near by. The Island has no grid tied electricity or reticulated water.  I catch my own water from the roof and generate my electricity from the ample solar radiation on the island.

My Submission to the Ministry of the Environment
Kevin Hester, Dropping Anchor in an Exponential World
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