GAIA Reacts to Abuse

This is an excellent round up of a growing phenomenon of raging wild fires unleashed on the planet converting carbon sinks into carbon emitters that will never sequester carbon again.
It is important to note that we are at 1.5 C approximately above the 1870 baseline as we track to and beyond the IPCC worst case scenario of 6C.  I believe there will be neither trees no humans on the planet after about 4C:

‘A raging Canadian wildfire grew explosively on Saturday as hot, dry winds pushed the blaze across the energy heartland of Alberta and smoke forced the shutdown of a major oil sands project.

The fire that has already prompted the evacuation of 88,000 people from the city of Fort McMurray was on its way to doubling in size on Saturday, the seventh day of what is expected to be the costliest natural disaster in Canada’s history.’  Article ‘Absolutely Vicious Canada Wildfire‘, continues here.

I'm an anti-imperialist, environmental activist and blue ocean sailor, who is passionate about the earth and all it's inhabitants without favour. Brace for imminent impact as we bare witness to the non-linear unraveling of the biosphere and habitability disappearing for most if not all complex life on the only habitable planet we know of. To quote President Niinistö in North Russia: ‘If We Lose the Arctic, We Lose the World’. Folks we have lost the Arctic.

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Posted in Catastrophe, Climate Science, Collapse, Energy Industry, Feedback loops, Geography
3 comments on “GAIA Reacts to Abuse
  1. Yes! Mother earth will rage her fury on us and make us pay for the pain we have caused her. And she must be in great pain. It has really hit home with me recently that the earth is a living entity that has created all life and gives us life. She has created every aspect of life from the ocean, the bacteria to the giraffes, the dinosaurs, us. We must love the earth first. I think the reason why the indigenous people were all killed through history was because they were free and were connected to the earth and had knowledge thathas been lost to us. This has been done on purpose and I believe a war has been waged against the earth and I do not why but the people at the very top who have continued on the plan know something we do not. We are not supposed to live like this.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Edward gandolfo says:

    See book FISHERMANS CALL… By Billy Packer…
    One mans journey from ignorance to compassion for the earth and all its creatures… A true story… Sincerely yours,


  3. sealintheselkirks says:

    Not a member of Medium so I rarely get to read entire articles but this one popped up on the feed today from June 2021 when the temperature in my county officially hit 120’F and people in Canada 40 miles north were dying of the heat. And I thought about what this year brought.

    Canada burned the hell down this summer. Absolutely enormous fires everywhere up there, from one end to the other, smoke just pouring over the border and choking people out in the East where I didn’t get nearly as much smoke as in 2021. There are people I know in Alberta that I still haven’t heard from and have no idea what they are up to, how they handled it.

    It’s still burning, in the middle of October, and I can’t imagine what it will do next year when the El Nino really hits. Hell, what will it do here to the forested mountains I live in? Oh wait, I already know. There is no Planet B.

    This Isn’t a Heatwave — It’s a Dying Planet
    Our Civilisation is Boiling Alive in the Fumes of its Own Waste

    It was my lovely doctor wife who leaned over to me and said: “Did you know scores of people in Canada are dead because of the heat? Near Vancouver?” Suffering a severe case of brain fog thanks to being in a pandemic for a year and counting now, I was tuned out. “Hmm,” I replied, absently. And then I woke up, suddenly hearing the words. “Wait, what?”

    Canada’s not exactly a place you associate with “people dead from the heat.” And yet it’s a grim tale of what’s to come.

    This isn’t a heatwave. It’s a dying planet.

    Much of the Pacific Northwest is trapped under what climate scientists are calling a “heat dome.” It stretches up and down the coast. Temperatures have rocketed off the charts. It was 115 degrees in Portland, Oregon. That’s hotter than Cairo, Egypt, or Karachi, Pakistan.

    This is a region of the world that should be temperate and cool — not boiling hot. But it’s trapped under a “heat dome,” which is a huge region of high pressure, that creates an effect literally akin to a pressure cooker. Yesterday’s “heat waves” — a few days of higher than normal temperatures are giving way to “heat domes” — something much more catastrophic, as the planet warms beyond all recognition, in ways profound hostile to us.

    Why do I say “dangerous”? Well, what is life under extreme heat like?

    The day before, I’d read an article about the hottest place on earth, which is Jacobabad, in Pakistan. It claims that title because average temperatures go beyond 52ºC. Remember, the heat dome in the Pacific Northwest has already pushed temperatures there almost within striking distance of that — the 115 Fahrenheit is 46 degrees Celsius. Portland and Seattle reached temperatures that are approaching the hottest city on earth.

    That’s “climate change,” or far more accurately put, global warming. We are beginning to be boiled alive.

    If you think that’s an exaggeration, consider life in Jacobabad. People don’t leave the house much when it’s that hot. They stay inside, trying to stay cool however they can. Business, commerce, trade, social events — all these things come to a…

    Today, 16Oct 2023, it started raining about an hour ago. Certainly not a downpour but it has been steady, and the air is starting to smell clean and fresh again from the front porch. The dust smell from the county gravel road that runs beyond the treeline to the west has disappeared and the world turns wet. For now.


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Kevin Hester

Kevin Hester is currently living on Rakino Island, a small island in the Hauraki Gulf near Auckland, New Zealand, monitoring the unravelling of the biosphere and volunteering at the Rakino Island Nursery is currently developing a proposal to create a marine reserve near by. The Island has no grid tied electricity or reticulated water.  I catch my own water from the roof and generate my electricity from the ample solar radiation on the island.

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Kevin Hester, Dropping Anchor in an Exponential World
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