The Inevitability of Nuclear War and Subsequent Nuclear Winter

“So Far We Have Survived Nuclear Armageddon By Luck” Paul Craig Roberts

“The long lucky streak can’t go on forever. President Reagan understood this and focused on ending the Cold War. This achievement has been overturned by the evil neocons operating through the last three US presidents.”  click here for additional P.C.R. sourced article Ticking Closer to Nuclear Midnight.


 “In a nuclear war, immense nuclear firestorms in burning cities would create millions of tons of thick, black, radioactive smoke. This smoke would rise above cloud level and quickly surround and engulf the entire Earth. The smoke would form a stratospheric smoke layer that would block sunlight from reaching the surface of Earth for a period of about ten years.  Heated smoke in the stratosphere would cause massive destruction of the protective ozone layer. Huge amounts of harmful Ultraviolet light would penetrate the smoke and reach the surface of the Earth.Warming sunlight would be blocked by the smoke layer and cause the Earth to rapidly cool. In a matter of days, Ice Age weather conditions would descend upon all peoples and nations.”


I believe that this will be how they slow down our runaway climate change catastrophe.  The concept of a nuclear orchestrated global dimming and hence cooling is laid out below:  Nuclear War Threatens Human Existence.

Carl Sagan on the possibility of a nuclear winter

I’m editing this blog post on 16/03/2022 in Aotearoa New Zealand to include this analysis from Caitlin Johnstone titled “The Huge Gap Between How Serious Nuclear War Is And How Seriously It’s Being Taken”.
There is an audio option in the link above.

I'm an anti-imperialist, environmental activist and blue ocean sailor, who is passionate about the earth and all it's inhabitants without favour. Brace for imminent impact as we bare witness to the non-linear unraveling of the biosphere and habitability disappearing for most if not all complex life on the only habitable planet we know of. To quote President Niinistö in North Russia: ‘If We Lose the Arctic, We Lose the World’. Folks we have lost the Arctic.

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Posted in Collapse, Politics, Rapid Climate Change, Warfare, Warnings
129 comments on “The Inevitability of Nuclear War and Subsequent Nuclear Winter
  1. sealintheselkirks says:

    US & Israel Poised to Open Lebanon Front

    M.K. Bhadrakumar analyzes developments in the past few days, including the U.S. announcement that it is deploying a huge nuclear submarine near the war zone.

    NOTE: These submarines are designed to carry up to 24 Trident II D-5 submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs). Each Trident II D-5 missile is capable of carrying up to eight independently targetable reentry vehicles (MIRVs). In total, each Ohio-class submarine is capable of carrying 192 MIRVs.

    This one sub, by itself, could destroy every capital city in Europe and Western Asia and Northern Africa. And cause a years-long cloud of dust, smoke, and debris bringing an immediate nuclear winter to the Northern Hemisphere.

    But then, at that point, everybody else will be launching, too. Best to be at a ground zero strike point I’m thinking…



  2. Kevin Hester says:

    A great analysis of a TomDispatch article on the implication of a nuclear war


  3. Kevin Hester says:

    Pre-emptive Nuclear War: The Role of Israel in Triggering an Attack on Iran
    Chapter III of “The Globalization of War” by Michel Chossudovsky.


    • sealintheselkirks says:

      Or maybe we all will just drone one another to death. Then AI takes over and wipes all humans out, eh? I’m assuming you saw the blowing up by Israeli drones of the teenagers walking in the wasteland of Gaza that weren’t even carrying weapons…

      Why the Pentagon wants to build thousands of easily replaceable, AI-enabled drones

      Ukraine’s drone innovations have changed how the US is planning for a war with China.
      This seems to be the direction a majority of our species ‘leaders’ really wants to pursue. Never ending warfare has always been a part of reality across the planet anyway, ya know? And this makes it so easy.

      But whomever starts losing and they have nuclear capability and decent engineers, I’m guessing that very small, drone-sized ‘low yield’ easily targeted WMDs will be engineered quickly and put to use. Why start a major war when you can light one of these off right outside the window of the politicians and generals who are causing you problems?

      Weaponized drones operated by cops will become a ‘normalized’ pattern, too, sometime soon I’m guessing. I’ve noticed that everything used in warfare gets shifted into police hands at one point or another…


      Liked by 1 person

  4. sealintheselkirks says:

    Now Israeli neoliberal Zionists continue to bomb other countries because nobody will (or can) stop them. Not with 300 +/- nuclear weapons of their own; they don’t need anyone’s permission.

    ‘A Declaration of War’: Israel Accused of Bombing Iranian Consulate in Syria

    One observer said Israel is “trying to provoke a war with Iran to get the U.S. directly involved.”


    The crazies are everywhere, Kevin.


    Liked by 1 person

  5. sealintheselkirks says:

    Might want to look this one up. The use of Ukraine to attack Russia has been in process since rightwinger Bill Clinton was president:

    1993: The Barry R. Posen Plan for War on Russia via Zombie State Ukraine


    Only the faces change but not the program.


    Liked by 1 person

  6. Kevin Hester says:

    “The long-term environmental consequences of a nuclear war between the US and Russia could kill most humans and land animals. An India-Pakistan nuclear war could cause 2 billion people to starve to death. Nuclear war threatens all nations and peoples.”

    home → Nuclear Famine


  7. sealintheselkirks says:

    This was published 6 years ago. I remember reading about some of these new Russian weapon systems during Trump’s batshit crazy rambling…no idea how relevant it is now but definitely puts a damper on the military prowess by the flag-waving current occupant in power I think…

    New Russian Weapon Systems: The balance of power has changed




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Kevin Hester

Kevin Hester is currently living on Rakino Island, a small island in the Hauraki Gulf near Auckland, New Zealand, monitoring the unravelling of the biosphere and volunteering at the Rakino Island Nursery is currently developing a proposal to create a marine reserve near by. The Island has no grid tied electricity or reticulated water.  I catch my own water from the roof and generate my electricity from the ample solar radiation on the island.

My Submission to the Ministry of the Environment
Kevin Hester, Dropping Anchor in an Exponential World
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