Collapse Beckons–Both Environmental and Economic


“The heart of the economic disorder is a world financial system that has gone rogue.”

We are living in a ponzi scheme of credit–fiscal and environmental.

The entire economic system is a ponzi scheme inflated with fiat currency and contemporaneously  we have been living beyond our Planetary Boundaries.

How on earth do people expect this house of cards to keep teetering along?
China manufactured more cement from 2010-13 than the US had produced over the entire 20th century. It could not last and so it is proving.”

All this without considering the collapse of our biosphere which is progressing contemporaneously.  Brace for imminent impact.  Here is an epic link on our imminent collapse below:

The world economic order is collapsing and this time there seems no way out“.


I'm an anti-imperialist, environmental activist and blue ocean sailor, who is passionate about the earth and all it's inhabitants without favour. Brace for imminent impact as we bare witness to the non-linear unraveling of the biosphere and habitability disappearing for most if not all complex life on the only habitable planet we know of. To quote President Niinistö in North Russia: ‘If We Lose the Arctic, We Lose the World’. Folks we have lost the Arctic.

Posted in Collapse, Economics, Warnings
23 comments on “Collapse Beckons–Both Environmental and Economic
  1. bill says:

    Right. Most of us aware of this sad and frightening reality, don’t think about it too much so we can keep the normal play of life and human supremacy going. There are few who can really face this.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Barbara says:

      I believe you…
      The normal people ‘out there, will be practically unable to function in their usual way… if I pass this on & around…
      Nothing can be achieved but terror & insecurity & as there is not a jot ‘we can do to stop this’ what is the point of having millions & millions &. millions of people globally living in terror ?


      • Kevin Hester says:

        I believe in telling young people the truth and knowledge is power.
        Most people are oblivious to the coming horror.
        If you were in a theatre and it was on fire, would you prefer to know?

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Kevin Hester says:

    ” Drought has affected about a quarter of India’s 1.3 billion people, according to a submission to the Supreme Court by the central government in April.

    Related IPS Articles

    A Precarious Fate for Climate Migrants in India
    Bangladesh’s Urban Slums Swell with Climate Migrants
    Q&A: Crisis and Climate Change Driving Unprecedented Migration
    Rural people have especially been forced to “migrate en masse”, according to a recent paper published by a group of NGOs. Evidence of mass migration is obvious in villages that are emptying out. In Uttaranchal, nine per cent of its villages are virtually uninhabited. As per Census 2011, of Uttarakhand’s 16,793 villages, 1,053 have no inhabitants and another 405 have less than 10 residents. The number of such phantom villages has surged particularly after the earthquake and flash floods of 2013.”


  3. Kevin Hester says:

    According to professor Tim Garrett and the law of Thermodynamics the collapse of Industrial civilisation is a given.


  4. Nick Dye says:

    The Guardian article states “China’s real growth is now below that of the Mao years: the economic crisis will spawn a crisis of legitimacy for the deeply corrupt communist party. Commodity prices have crashed.” The classic response of a dictatorship to such a crisis is to deflect attention by starting a war. That is seriously scary.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Kevin Hester says:

    Social Unrest
    This is another one of those things that just tends to sneak up gradually. Initially, protests warrant our attention because it’s new and different and out of the ordinary. But as the protests become more and more frequent, people stop caring why the protests are happening. You learn to avoid areas where protests are likely to occur. You start taking an alternate route to work or entering your office building through a back door.

    Violence and vandalism begin to accompany the protests and roadblocks become part of your everyday routine. Like rush-hour traffic r, you plan enough time to get to work based on the knowledge that the road may be blocked due to a car or building being set on fire the night before. More people will be armed when in public, tempers will be short, there will be increased knife fights and shootings. This will put a huge strain on emergency services personnel such as police, fire, and EMS.

    Streets, yards, and even homes are flooding more often now. In addition to the litter, the metal storm drains and even copper pipes from abandoned homes are being stolen for cash. Before long you start to notice that the historic plaques are missing from city monuments, statues come up missing, even doorknobs, anything metal that can be scrapped is fair game for looters and thieves.

    One way to prepare for the next wave of riots is to move out of the city to a more rural location. If you can’t do that right now, then it will help to be intimately familiar with your city roads and other transportation routes. Make sure that you have several planned routes to/from work or your child’s school and any nearby grocery stores. In addition to planning alternative routes for daily travel, you should plan and practice several different bug out routes in case you need to leave your home quickly. Consider not only roads but also railroad tracks, subway tunnels, sewer tunnels, and power line easement roads as possible alternative routes.


  6. stock says:

    “nice” blog.


  7. greg says:

    Good job Kevin, Thanks for getting this information to us, and for being so frank, about the science and straight on the other relevant issues, David have done nice work on the blog here, these are the good days, brace for tomorrow


  8. Kevin Hester says:

    16 ocean passages later you can believe how heart broken these stories make me but I’m riding out the storm on Rakino Island and to keep me sane today I watched this wonderful presentation from Deep Green Resistance and your good self Derrick.


  9. Tommy Matoe says:

    Kevin, I’m interested in what preparations you’re making personally, apart from living on Rakino of course. One part of me wants to take precautions – we already grow some of our own food, we’re on tank water, we live on Waiheke, but I’m not sure whether to go the whole hog and become survivalists, store seeds, keep stocks of food, etc. Another part of me thinks that if the whole system comes tumbling down then we may as well give in and fade away. What’s your approach to it?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kevin Hester says:

      I have a small store of food that will sustain me and whoever makes it to my place. It will last a short time. I have no ambition to be the last man standing as armageddon unfolds. I’m living in the ‘now’ and have no desire to watch the end of the biosphere as when industrial civilisation collapses we get 450 nuclear meltdowns, 1300 spent fuel pool fires and a multitude of feedback loops mean the planet will quickly lack all habitat for complex life.
      There is no happy ending to this predicament.


  10. Kevin Hester says:

    This article omits to include the main reason but they are bugging out;


  11. Kevin Hester says:

    Another excellent article on the unfolding collapse;
    View at


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Kevin Hester

Kevin Hester is currently living on Rakino Island, a small island in the Hauraki Gulf near Auckland, New Zealand, monitoring the unravelling of the biosphere and volunteering at the Rakino Island Nursery is currently developing a proposal to create a marine reserve near by. The Island has no grid tied electricity or reticulated water.  I catch my own water from the roof and generate my electricity from the ample solar radiation on the island.

My Submission to the Ministry of the Environment
Kevin Hester, Dropping Anchor in an Exponential World
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