Cascading Consequences of the Loss of Arctic Sea Ice

“Losing the remaining Arctic sea ice and its ability to reflect incoming solar energy back to space would be equivalent to adding one trillion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere, on top of the 2.4 trillion tons emitted since the Industrial Age, according to current and former researchers from Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego.”

“At current rates, this roughly equates to 25 years of global CO2 emissions.”

Research Highlight: Loss of Arctic’s Reflective Sea Ice Will Advance Global Warming by 25 Years  

“Algae that live in and under the sea ice play a much greater role for the Arctic food web than previously assumed. In a new study, biologists of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research showed that not only animals that live directly under the ice thrive on carbon produced by so-called ice algae. Even species that mostly live at greater depth depend to a large extent on carbon from these algae. This also means that the decline of the Arctic sea ice may have far-reaching consequences for the entire food web of the Arctic Ocean. Their results have been published online now in the journal Limnology & Oceanography.”
“We now know that ice algae play a much more important role for the pelagic food web than previously assumed. This finding also means, however, that the decline of the ice could have a more profound impact on Arctic marine animals, including fish, seals and ultimately also polar bears, than hitherto suspected,” says Doreen Kohlbach.”
Ice algae: The engine of life in the central Arctic Ocean

“Experts estimate the washed-up whales represent just 10% of the total number of the dead, with the rest sinking into the sea unnoticed by humans.”
“At least 81 gray whale corpses have washed ashore in California, Oregon, Washington and Alaska since Jan. 1. If tallies from Mexico and Canada are added, the number of stranded gray whales reaches about 160 and counting, said Michael Milstein, spokesman for NOAA Fisheries.”
Thousands of whales are dying. Scientists have run out of public beaches for the carcasses to rot

In the August episode of Nature Bats Last our guest Dr Andrew Glikson discussed his recent work titled: Beyond Climate Tipping Points: Greenhouse Gas Levels Exceed the Stability Limit of the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets.
The pace of global warming has been grossly underestimated. As the world keeps increasing its carbon emissions rising in 2018 to a record 33.1 billion ton COper year, the atmospheric greenhouse gas level has now exceeded 560 ppm (parts per million) CO2equivalent, namely when methane and nitric oxide are included. This level surpasses the stability threshold of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. The term “climate change“ is thus no longer appropriate, since what is happening in the atmosphere-ocean system, accelerating over the last 70 years or so, is an abrupt calamity on a geological dimension threatening nature and civilization. Ignoring what the science says, the powers-that-be are presiding over the sixth mass extinction of species, including humanity.”  

“As conveyed by leading scientists “Climate change is now reaching the end-game, where very soon humanity must choose between taking unprecedented action or accepting that it has been left too late and bear the consequences”

“Black carbon particles from  Siberian forest fires, fall down to the arctic ice. As these particles are black, they absorb sunlight and can accelerate ice melt if found in high enough concentrations. Our graphic shows black carbon concentrations, where high values can be seen emerging from the Siberian forest fires, circulating into the polar circle.”
Forest fires in Siberia, sending ash into the Arctic.

For additional day to day, up to date evidence of our headlong rush towards a Blue Ocean Event, I recommend readers follow Zack Labe on Twitter
and Sam Carana at the Arctic News Blogspot

The marine food web isn’t going to collapse, it is collapsing, now, live and direct.
The dominant culture and the corporate media are pretending to cover the unraveling of the biosphere but what they aren’t telling you about  is the rapidity of the collapse and how the domino effect of crossing these tipping points triggers cascading consequences.
I’ll be surprised if industrial civilisation survives an ice free Arctic summer and we might be only a year or two away from that eventuality.
One final comment I would make about the impending ice free Arctic sea is that we don’t need to have crossed the official definition of an Ice Free Arctic  to see the 50 gigatonne methane discharge from the clathrates as hypothesised by Dr Natalia Shakova et al. That could burst forth at any moment.
John Doyle thinks we will see a 10C temperature rise in the coming decades;

Next months guest on Nature Bats Last is Arthur Keller. We will be discussing his presentation titled “Collapse: The Only Realistic Scenario”. That episode can be found after broadcast at the Nature Bats Last archive at PRN.FM

Feel free to leave a comment below and to subscribe to the blog

Good luck everyone, we are sure going to need it.

I'm an anti-imperialist, environmental activist and blue ocean sailor, who is passionate about the earth and all it's inhabitants without favour. Brace for imminent impact as we bare witness to the non-linear unraveling of the biosphere and habitability disappearing for most if not all complex life on the only habitable planet we know of. To quote President Niinistö in North Russia: ‘If We Lose the Arctic, We Lose the World’. Folks we have lost the Arctic.

Posted in Abrupt Climate Change, Arctic Sea Ice, Collapse, Dr Andrew Glikson, Feedback loops, Methane, Nature Bats Last, Zack Labe
239 comments on “Cascading Consequences of the Loss of Arctic Sea Ice
  1. Kevin Hester says:

    “Sea ice was very thin near the North Pole on January 24, 2024, indicating there is very little left of the latent heat buffer to consume incoming heat. Without this buffer constituted by the sea ice, ocean heat could abruptly destabilize methane hydrates.”


  2. Kevin Hester says:

    Sam Carana
    Via Sams’ Facebook post
    Ominously, the North Atlantic sea surface was much hotter in early 2024 than it was in early 2023.
    From the post ‘Potential temperature trends’, at:


  3. Kevin Hester says:

    Sam Carana

    Arctic sea ice thickness declined dramatically in a few days time, as indicated by this compilation image, with images from the University of Bremen.
    The once-thick sea ice used to act as a latent heat buffer able to consume much incoming heat. As Arctic sea ice gets thinner, the latent heat buffer shrinks and Arctic sea ice could melt away quickly as temperatures rise on the Northern Hemisphere, in line with seasonal changes.
    For the time of year, Arctic sea ice extent is currently still extensive, compared to earlier years, which is a reflection of more water vapor in the atmosphere and more precipitation. While Arctic sea ice extent is relatively large, its volume now is among the lowest of all years on record for the time of year. Volume = extent x thickness, so low volume and relatively large extent means that sea ice is very thin.
    Furthermore, much of the thicker sea ice is located off the east coast of Greenland and this sea ice is likely to melt away quickly as temperatures rise in line with seasonal changes.
    Without the buffer constituted by thicker sea ice, an influx of ocean heat could rapidly and abruptly destabilize hydrates contained in sediments at the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean, resulting in eruptions of huge amounts of methane. Given methane’s very high immediate global warming potential (GWP), the resulting heat could push up temperatures dramatically, at first affecting the Arctic and causing more sea ice to melt and more permafrost to thaw, and subsequently spreading around the world.
    From the post ‘Potential temperature trends’, at:


  4. Kevin Hester says:

    A really chilling, pardon the pun article from Yale but I don’t understand this calculation, because it doesn’t add up.
    ” Not only had it rained, but it had rained for four days as the air temperature rose by 30 degrees C (54 degrees F), close to and above the freezing point.”
    This does not compute!


  5. Kevin Hester says:

    Via the tireless Sam Carana:
    The sea surface (60°S-60°N, 0-360°E) reached record high temperatures end February 2024 and early March 2024 (records going back to 1981). Sea surface temperatures look set to get even higher in March 2024. Why can sea surface temperature be expected to keep rising through March 2024?
    The highest sea surface temperatures for the year are typically reached in March. This was the case for the previous years on record going back to 1981, except for the year 2023 when the current El Niño started to emerge, resulting in the highest peak for the year occurring in August 2023. There is a 100% probability that El Niño will be present during the 3 months from February 2024 to April 2024, according to NOAA.
    Ocean heat content keeps rising at a rate of change that is non-linear.
    As the atmosphere and the oceans keep heating up, Arctic sea ice keeps declining. With the change in seasons, more sunlight will be reaching the Northern Hemisphere and Arctic sea ice looks set for a steep decline over the next few months.
    Meanwhile, emissions keep rising and Arctic sea ice volume is at a record low for the time of year, at a time when little or no sunlight is yet reaching the Arctic.
    Without the buffer constituted by thicker sea ice, an influx of ocean heat threatens to destabilize hydrates contained in sediments at the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean, resulting in eruptions of huge amounts of methane.
    From the post ‘Arctic sea ice set for steep decline’, at:


  6. Kevin Hester says:

    Climate Reanalyzer registered a record high daily temperature of 21.2°C for the sea surface (60°S-60°N, 0-360°E) on March 4, 2024, with daily records going back to 1981.
    As the atmosphere and the oceans keep heating up, Arctic sea ice keeps declining. As illustrated by the image below, Arctic sea ice extent was 14.766 million km² on March 4, 2024.
    There are a few years when extent was lower than in 2024. This may be due to more water vapor in the air causing more precipitation in the Arctic. At this time of year, Arctic sea ice has typically reached its maximum annual extent and goes into steep descend until half September. With the change in seasons, more sunlight will be reaching the Northern Hemisphere and Arctic sea ice looks set for a steep decline over the next few months.
    Arctic sea ice volume is already at a record low for the time of year, at a time when little or no sunlight is yet reaching the Arctic. Given that Arctic sea ice is not at a record low extent for the time of year, this indicates that the sea ice is very thin, due to ocean heat melting sea ice away. Moreover, much of the thicker sea ice is located off the east coast of Greenland, and this sea ice will melt away quickly as temperatures rise over the next few months.
    From the post ‘Arctic sea ice set for steep decline’, at:


    • sealintheselkirks says:

      Well, at least the author said this will have “profound impacts” but I still think it was probably low-balled. The overwhelming speed of this continues to surprise the absolute shit out of mainstream scientists.

      Should have used the word ‘catastrophic’ instead of ‘profound’ is what I’m thinking.

      Besides which, they are fighting wildfires already because last year’s monster blazes DIDN’T GO OUT. Oops. What a bummer that is, eh?

      74’F here in this part of the Selkirk Range today. Probably the same over the border on the Canadian side since it’s only 40 air miles from this house.

      It used to be snowing here this time of year, major blizzards that would drop feet at MY elevation, not just up on the peaks, enough to force me to fire up the big snowthrower. Didn’t use it even once this so-called winter.

      Robins showed up last week. Use to be due in April when they’d start eating worms and making nests. I’m not sure there are many worms around after the heat death suffered by the ground from 2021’s Heat Dome. I have a children’s book of photos about one of the nests I followed from blue eggs to 1st flight that I can’t afford to publish (nobody reads books anymore anyway, right?). Written for pre-school/Kindergarten age. Great pictures if I do say so myself. But I’ve had no visible robin nests on the property since 2021 when the eggs baked and the babies inside died trying to peck their way out. Mama abandoned the nest…and all the others that were built that year were, also.

      Watching the slow death of the world up here, Kevin.

      A Future of Arctic Rain
      Warming temperatures have started to tip the region’s precipitation balance away from snow. Can wildlife weather the change?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Kevin Hester says:

        Dude I really appreciate those anecdotal observations.
        Yup, the shit show is accelerating at a rate of knots.
        Maybe self-publish the book on Amazon?
        Good luck sir


  7. Kevin Hester says:

    As I have been harping on, for the last 10 years, that the “Rate of Change” is the critical issue:
    “How serious is the situation in Greenland?”

    “Answer (Wadhams): “Well, it’s very serious because it’s unprecedented that the rate of melt… Suddenly its multiplied itself by about seven or eight; it’s 30 million tons an hour, but when I was last up there it was 30 million tons per day… now gone to an hourly rate which used to be daily rate… when you’re up on the ice sheet you see big changes.”

    Compare this to a cancer patient, when the cancer cells multiply at the above rates how long do you have?
    To quote Dr Albert Bartlett “The Greatest Short coming of the Human Race is our inability to truly understand the exponential function”.


  8. sealintheselkirks says:

    And what will the full price be? Another article still blabbing about how ‘everyone needs to get on board’ etc etc etc. Tired useless worn-out platitudes that nobody pays any attention to except those who make a living saying and writing them.

    Those that could have made changes back when they might have had an impact refused to do so in favor of greater financial reward. Another platitude: ‘a day late and a dollar short’ applies here I’m sure.

    For centuries we have plundered our planet. Now we are paying the price
    Facing another 22’C day under a very blue sky. In mid-March. Saw my first butterfly this morning, black with yellow around the edges of its wings. This is completely nuts.


    Liked by 1 person

  9. Kevin Hester says:

    “When rainfall hits the snow-covered sea ice, it darkens the surface and can amplify melting that in turn leads to more warming—a process known as the ice-albedo feedback loop. Snow on top of sea ice acts as insulation, reflecting solar radiation back to space and keeping the surface cool.”


  10. Kevin Hester says:

    Arctic sea ice has likely reached its maximum extent for the year, at 15.01 million square kilometers (5.80 million square miles) on March 14. The 2024 maximum is the 14th lowest in the 46-year satellite record. Learn more:


  11. Kevin Hester says:


    Arctic sea ice volume has passed its annual maximum. Over the coming months, volume can be expected to decrease rapidly. The image also highlights that, over the past few months, Arctic sea ice volume has been the lowest on record for the time of year.

    The second image illustrates the decline of Arctic sea ice volume over the years. The image also confirms that the annual maximum volume was recently reached and that it was the lowest maximum for the 24 years on record.

    Given that Arctic sea ice currently is still relatively extensive, this record low volume indicates that sea ice is indeed very thin, which must be caused by ocean heat melting sea ice from below, since little or no sunshine is yet reaching the Arctic at the moment and air temperatures are still far below freezing point, so where ocean heat may be melting sea ice away from below, a thin layer of ice will quickly be reestablished at the surface, keeping sea ice extent relatively large for now.

    This situation looks set to dramatically change over the next few months, as air temperatures will rise and as more ocean heat will reach the Arctic Ocean. Moreover, as illustrated by the map, much of the thicker sea ice is located off the east coast of Greenland. This sea ice and the purple-colored sea ice can be expected to melt away quickly with the upcoming rise in temperatures over the next few months.

    The fourth image shows that the monthly Atlantic surface temperature anomaly in March 2024 was 1.422°C when compared to a 1901-2000 base. The high anomalies over the past two months indicate how much heat has accumulated in the Atlantic, and these anomalies are even higher when using a pre-industrial base.

    The image also highlights the potential for the slowing down of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) to contribute to more heat accumulating at the surface of the Atlantic Ocean.

    As temperatures rise, many feedbacks are kicking in with greater ferocity, including increased stratification of oceans, loss of sea ice, loss of reflectivity of clouds and increased freshwater due to stronger melting of sea ice and glacial ice, due to heavier runoff from land and rivers and due to changes in ocean circulation.

    While this may look to cause less ocean heat to reach the Arctic Ocean for now, the result is that a huge amount of ocean heat is accumulating in the North Atlantic that threatens to abruptly move into the Arctic Ocean. The danger is that an influx of ocean heat can cause large amounts of methane to erupt from the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean.

    An enormous amount of ocean heat has accumulated and is still further accumulating in the North Atlantic and much of this heat threatens to abruptly move into the Arctic Ocean. The danger is that, due to strong wind along the path of the Gulf Stream and extensions of this current into the Arctic Ocean, huge amounts of ocean heat will abruptly get pushed into the Arctic Ocean, with the influx of ocean heat causing destabilization of hydrates contained in sediments at the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean, resulting in eruptions of huge amounts of methane.

    The danger is growing, due to a number of factors. Firstly, the amount of ocean heat in the North Atlantic is increasing. Secondly, Arctic sea ice volume is at record low, implying that there is little or no buffer left to consume ocean heat flowing from the Atlantic Ocean into the Arctic Ocean.

    Latent heat is energy associated with a phase change, such as the energy consumed when solid ice turns into water (i.e. melts). During a phase change, the temperature remains constant. Sea ice acts as a buffer that absorbs heat, while keeping the temperature at zero degrees Celsius. As long as there is sea ice in the water, this sea ice will keep absorbing heat, so the temperature doesn’t rise at the sea surface. The amount of energy absorbed by melting ice is as much as it takes to heat an equivalent mass of water from zero to 80°C.

    The danger is that, as the buffer disappears that until now has consumed huge amounts of ocean heat, further heat will reach methane hydrates at the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean, causing them to get destabilized resulting in release of methane from these hydrates and from free gas underneath that was previously sealed by the hydrates.

    Strong hurricanes can significantly add to the danger. More hurricanes are forecast for the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season than during 1950-2020.

    From the post ‘Arctic sea ice under threat’, at:…/arctic-sea-ice-under…


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Kevin Hester

Kevin Hester is currently living on Rakino Island, a small island in the Hauraki Gulf near Auckland, New Zealand, monitoring the unravelling of the biosphere and volunteering at the Rakino Island Nursery is currently developing a proposal to create a marine reserve near by. The Island has no grid tied electricity or reticulated water.  I catch my own water from the roof and generate my electricity from the ample solar radiation on the island.

My Submission to the Ministry of the Environment
Kevin Hester, Dropping Anchor in an Exponential World
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