Fukushima Daiichi adds Insult to Injury for the Pacific’s Coral Reefs.

As the El Niño builds to a terrifying crescendo, that won’t peak before April 2024, the Pacific’s Coral Reefs will become stressed, and a bleaching event will unfold as it did in the 2016 El Niño. What is our response? TEPCO and the Japanese government have decided to dump 1.3million tons of radioactive water into my beloved Pacific Ocean. After careful consideration the criminal cohort in Japan have decided to take the cheapest option and dump the radioactive sludge into the adjacent Pacific Ocean.

In the video below, I mentioned that Sea Surface Temperatures hit 38C off the coast of Florida. Here’s the evidence:
“Sea surface temperatures of more than 38C (100.4F) have been recorded off the coast of Florida – potentially setting a new world record.” Sea temperature off Florida reaches 38C- potentially a world record.

Almost every coral reef in the Northern Hemisphere is under stress.
Daily Global 5km Satellite Coral Bleaching Heat Stress Degree Heating Week

“A catastrophic die-off of emperor penguin chicks has been observed in the Antarctic, with up to 10,000 young birds estimated to have been killed.”

This is the consequences of the loss of Antarctic Sea ice in the winter.

What does everyone think will happen down there when the summer rolls around, holding hands with a strong El Nino? Climate change: Thousands of penguins die in Antarctic ice breakup

“This missing area is larger than the size of Greenland, or around ten times the size of the United Kingdom,” Dramatic images show why emperor penguins were hit with catastrophe

Not a chick survived in 4 out of 5 colonies. Not a single Emperor penguin chick survived spring in parts of the Antarctica.

We discussed the compounding consequences of the Pacific Ocean being irradiated thanks to TEPCO, the Japanese Government and Fukushima Daiichi. The very same people who triggered this disaster, by building a sea wall half the size their own analysis called for.
My Polynesian neighbours are furious. Niue and Tuvalu ‘concerned, dismayed, disappointed’ with Fukushima release

After our discussion above about grief, I found this spectacularly good article.” The phrase “climate dread” better legitimizes the real and tangible threat coming toward us.” Stop Calling It “Climate Anxiety.” It’s Climate Dread.

Professor McPherson has a Substack account named after his website Nature Bats Last, where subscribers can comment and ask Guy questions directly. Nature Bats Last

Pauline Schneider’s thoughts on this discussion can be read at the following embedded link: Great Barrier Reef’s End Days

“The sea is only the embodiment of a supernatural and wonderful existence. It is nothing but love and emotion; it is the Living Infinite…”
Jules Verne

I'm an anti-imperialist, environmental activist and blue ocean sailor, who is passionate about the earth and all it's inhabitants without favour. Brace for imminent impact as we bare witness to the non-linear unraveling of the biosphere and habitability disappearing for most if not all complex life on the only habitable planet we know of. To quote President Niinistö in North Russia: ‘If We Lose the Arctic, We Lose the World’. Folks we have lost the Arctic.

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Posted in Aerosol Masking Effect, Dr Natalia Shakova, Fukushima Daiichi, Nature Bats Last, Near Term Human Extinction--NTHE, Professor Guy McPherson, The Great Barrier Reef
32 comments on “Fukushima Daiichi adds Insult to Injury for the Pacific’s Coral Reefs.
  1. Mark Brimblecombe says:

    An excellent article Kevin, and a great discussion with Guy. I just saw on the news this morning that China is banning seafood imports from Japan because of the radioactive water release.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. 720fisher says:

    Saying farewell. Knowing what was an what it will never be no matter how hard we cry. A heart can only break.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. […] Fukushima Daiichi adds Insult to Injury for the Pacific’s Coral Reefs. […]

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Kevin Hester says:

    Another excellent episode from Nuclear Hotseat with a brief cameo from yours truly.
    Others and I interviewed mentioned the triple meltdowns at Fukushima Daiichi.



  5. sealintheselkirks says:

    And this is another disaster waiting to happen:


    They have buried 3.55 MILLION pounds of spent nuclear fuel between I-5 and the fucking beach, about half a mile between the two. I’ve surfed at San Onofre, and the land where this crap was buried is nothing but sand/sandstone. In an earthquake zone. And a tsunami zone. And there are at least 8.5 million people (2010 numbers) within 50 miles.

    The plant has ALWAYS leaked and that’s due to finding kittens birthed there in 1996. What’s a little Cesium-137, Cesium-134, and Cobalt-60, eh?


    And then there is Diablo Canyon also perched above a beach that the Cali Gov just endorsed continuing operation. Everything is JUST DANDY!

    How many plants on rivers and oceanfronts worldwide? And they will ALL be underwater with rising sea levels… Oh my that isn’t good is it?


    Liked by 1 person

  6. Kevin Hester says:

    There are probably at least a dozen different things when combined triggered this wipe out but one thing, we can be 100% sure of, is the dumping of the radioactive sludge from Fukushima Daiichi, described as water, didn’t help.



  7. Steven Earl Salmony says:

    Keep going Kevin.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Kevin Hester says:

    I will keep an open mind on this ‘event’ but one thing we can be 100% sure about is it did not help the perilous state of our oceans, attacked from all sides, above and below.
    It’s the perfect storm.



  9. Kevin Hester says:

    In the 2016 El Nino, Cyclone Winston dumped a huge amount of rain on the Great Barrier Reef cooling the “Off the Charts Sea Surface Temperatures,” thereby reducing the damage from the bleaching event.
    Had that not transpired the GBR would have been much more devastated than it was.
    Coral reefs take about 15 years to recover from a severe bleaching event.
    Clearly, they will never get that chance again.
    The current El Nino is capable of flipping numerous tipping points. The attack on my beloved Great Barrier Reef is the one that worries me the most.



  10. Kevin Hester says:

    I’ve sent this email to Tatsujiro Suzuki.
    Could depleted Oil Wells act as a reservoir for the contaminated water at Fukushima Daiichi.
    Greetings and salutations:
    Further to the impressive work of Tatsujiro Suzuki, the vice director of the Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition at Nagasaki University, I would like to propose that TEPCO, instead of taking the cheapest option and dumping the toxic brine into my beloved Pacific Ocean, already under attack from pollution and the accelerating climate stressors, my proposal is to pump the brine into an Oil tanker and then inject it into a depleted oil well.
    The thought of dumping this waste anywhere is a horror story but surely, we can do better than just dumping it into the adjacent ocean.
    I don’t see any ‘good options’ for this toxin but a depleted oil well has zero value normally and it would set an example for how to deal with the waste products of the nuclear industry, other than just taking the cheapest option all the time!
    I would be truly grateful if you could consider this proposal.
    Best regards
    Kevin Hester
    Aotearoa New Zealand



  11. sealintheselkirks says:

    Whoops. Fuku is mentioned in this article, but a lot of this information is still coming out because NOBODY knows how much poison was dumped off of the California coast…nor how close to the beaches.

    It’s Not Just Toxic Chemicals. Radioactive Waste Was Also Dumped Off Los Angeles Coast


    I somehow expect this to get much worse. That seems to be the pattern.


    Liked by 1 person

  12. sealintheselkirks says:

    This one popped up on my home beach’s leftie/alt news website in an article about the utter stupidity of putting all of San O’nofre Nuclear Plant’s 3.6 million pounds of radioactive waste 100 feet from the ocean in temporary ‘casks’ buried in the sand. Literally buried in the sand, Kevin!!

    I have run around and around with two (I presume) lobbyist twins that show up every time something anti-nuclear plant posts on the OB RAG, and for some reason they haven’t rebutted the article yet. Maybe on vacation or something? But it would be pretty hard to smack down something like this vid!

    3/11 Fukushima-California Connection


    The Cascadia Fault is primed and overdue, as big as Tohuku’s 9.1 in 2011, but this one is only 100 miles off the coast up here, and goes all the way down to mid-Oregon. Holy shit. The tsunamis produced will in all likelihood wash down the Cali coastline and take San O out sparking a Chernobyl-like disaster as the casks rupture and start burning that will spread with the prevailing winds inland across Southern and central Cali.

    And the latest is the Cali governor wants to move all of Diablo Canyon’s nuclear waste (more millions of pounds) to the beach next to San O and bury it.

    A complete WFT moment!

    The tsunamis will be as big as Japan’s. Japan was far more ready than the US will ever be though some retrofitting has been happening since the fault was discovered in the 90s. We’re more like when the Indonesian quake of 2004 hit, clueless and unprepared.

    I read the book about this: Full Rip 9.0; The Next Big Earthquake in the Pacific Northwest, Sasquatch Books, 2013. Big sigh.


    Liked by 1 person

  13. Kevin Hester says:

    What a cluster fuck, thx dude!


  14. […] warming and the additional insult of pouring radioactive wastewater into my beloved Pacific Ocean: Fukushima Daiichi adds Insult to Injury for the Pacific’s Coral Reefs.I’ve been studying “Collapse” since I visited Mayan Ruins in Central America and […]


  15. Kevin Hester says:

    “About 880 tons of melted nuclear fuel remain inside the three damaged reactors, and Japanese officials say removing it would take 30-40 years. Experts call that timeline overly optimistic.”
    I would take issue with the description of the fuel remaining inside the reactor.
    Nope, we know that the fuel from three reactors has escaped primary and secondary containment!

    Conditions inside Fukushima’s melted nuclear reactors still unclear 13 years after disaster struck


  16. Kevin Hester says:

    This is a brutal watch with the underwater part starting at the 38-minute mark.
    Utter devastation under water!


  17. Kevin Hester says:

    “On March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9 earthquake and a subsequent 15-metre tsunami struck Japan, which triggered a nuclear disaster at TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Three of the six plant’s reactors were affected, resulting in meltdowns and the release of a significant amount of radioactive material into the environment.”
    Nuclear energy cannot lead the global energy transition | Climate Crisis | Al Jazeera


  18. sealintheselkirks says:

    Fukushima: still spewing after all these years. And for the next…how many thousands of years? But the lessons are going to be learned the hard way I guess.

    Hidden in President Biden’s Infrastructure Bill…is news I didn’t want to read. What a neoliberal he is!

    45 years after Three Mile Island, we need a ‘No Nukes’ comeback

    As Biden sinks billions into nuclear energy that are stuffed into his ‘Infrastructure Bill,’ members of the historic Clamshell Alliance are reuniting to spark a new wave of anti-nuke resistance.




    Liked by 1 person

  19. Kevin Hester says:

    I’ve been scuba diving all my adult life, I once did an 800mile sail down the Great Barrier Reef, diving every day for six weeks.
    Watching the largest living organism on the planet being murdered in broad daylight is torture personally, but much more significant is the loss of this ‘incubator’ for the marine ecosystems. It will trigger what Professor Corey Bradshaw from Flinders University called, in my interview with him, “Extinction Cascades.”
    Industrial civilisation and its cancerous offspring Capitalism are both “Confidence games” losing the Great Barrier Reef or a city to Wet Bulb temperature extremes, looming currently in the tropics, will undermine all confidence in this set of living arrangements! To quote another guest of mine on Nature Bat Last Arthur Keller “Collapse is the only realistic scenario!”

    Ocean Heat Pummels the Great Barrier Reef, Again – CounterPunch.org


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Kevin Hester

Kevin Hester is currently living on Rakino Island, a small island in the Hauraki Gulf near Auckland, New Zealand, monitoring the unravelling of the biosphere and volunteering at the Rakino Island Nursery is currently developing a proposal to create a marine reserve near by. The Island has no grid tied electricity or reticulated water.  I catch my own water from the roof and generate my electricity from the ample solar radiation on the island.

My Submission to the Ministry of the Environment
Kevin Hester, Dropping Anchor in an Exponential World
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