It’s Time to Acknowledge the Spectacular Success of the IPCC.

“US support was probably critical to IPCC’s establishment. And why did the US government support it? Assistant Undersecretary of State Bill Nitze wrote to me a few years later saying that our group’s activities played a significant role. Among other motivations, the US government saw the creation of the IPCC as a way to Prevent the activism stimulated by my colleagues and me from controlling the policy agenda.”
The home of climate change denial was instrumental in setting up the IPCC.

“I suspect that the Reagan Administration believed that, in contrast to our group, most scientists were not activists, and would take years to reach any conclusion on the magnitude of the threat. Even if they did, they probably would fail to express it in plain English. The US government must have been quite surprised when IPCC issued its first assessment at the end of 1990, stating clearly that human activity was likely to produce an unprecedented warming.”

Source How the IPCC Got Started;

The IPCC was designed to fail, part of their mandate is to not make recommendations that would constrict economic growth.

Chair of the IPCC Dr Rajendra Pachauri, Valencia Spain, Nov 17, 2007.

“If there’s no action before 2012, that’s too late. What we do in the next two to three years will determine our future. This is the defining moment”

Survivable IPCC projections based on science fiction.
“In the latest ‘Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 5th Assessment Report’ (IPCC AR5), there have been published a selection of ‘Representative Concentration Pathways’ (RCP’s).
Dr Matt Watson, from the school of earth Sciences at the University of Bristol (UK), made this point strongly at a recent meeting at the Royal Society in London:“ Why are we doing this? Why are we doing this research? This is why, this is the latest projections from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and the alarming thing is that these two scenarios [RCP 2.6 and RCP 4.5] both include negative emissions technology. So, there is geoengineering, of the flavour of carbon dioxide removal, in the best case scenarios.”
“The very, very alarming thing for us is that we are on this path here, that is RCP 8.5. We are slap bang on this trajectory and this puts us in a very different place in our children’s lifetime.”
All hope of maintaining a liveable planet has been gambled on negative emissions technology that simply does not exist. In fact it is “Fantasy Technology” that they hope will be invented sometime in the future.

“I say to my soul be patient and wait without hope for to hope is to hope for the wrong thing”
T.S. Elliot

“If hope becomes something you express through illusion then it’s not hope, it’s fantasy”.
“Those who speak truth are marginalised and ignored, dismissed as pessimists in a culture that prides itself on a child like optimism at the expense of reality.”
“We have a mania for hope which our corporate masters lavishly provide across the political and cultural spectrum to keep us passive”.
Chris Hedges American Psychosis available on Vimeo.

In his 1926 novel “The Sun Always Rises” Hemingway describes how the end comes about when you lose everything. One character named Bill asked “How did you go bankrupt?” “Two ways” Mike replied, Gradually and then suddenly”.

“The Scientifically necessary is politically unfeasible, the politically feasible is scientifically irrelevant”
William Rees

“How do we live with the fact that we are destroying our world? What do we make of the loss of glaciers, the melting Arctic, island nations swamped by the sea, widening deserts, and drying farmlands?”

“Because of social taboos, despair at the state of our world and fear for our future are rarely acknowledged. The suppression of despair, like that of any deep recurring response, contributes to the numbing of the psyche. Expressions of anguish or outrage are muted, deadened as if a nerve had been cut. This refusal to feel impoverishes our emotional and sensory life. Flowers are dimmer and less fragrant, our loves less ecstatic. We create diversions for ourselves as individuals and as nations, in the fights we pick, the aims we pursue, and the stuff we buy.”

The Greatest Danger

–by Joanna Macy,

I'm an anti-imperialist, environmental activist and blue ocean sailor, who is passionate about the earth and all it's inhabitants without favour. Brace for imminent impact as we bare witness to the non-linear unraveling of the biosphere and habitability disappearing for most if not all complex life on the only habitable planet we know of. To quote President Niinistö in North Russia: ‘If We Lose the Arctic, We Lose the World’. Folks we have lost the Arctic.

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92 comments on “It’s Time to Acknowledge the Spectacular Success of the IPCC.
  1. I look at Beril’s face/eyes and I see such sadness. I don’t know how else to put it. But that is also integrated with her words, fleeting facial expressions, and vocal tones that makes me think this.

    And less than a month ago I had a Bomb Cyclone brush by slightly east and ‘only’ gave me feet of snow and -10’F on my birthday, and now I’m under rain here below the Canadian Border that is turning the icy snowpack into dangerously slippery ice rink conditions. If this keeps up everything will turn to oatmeal AGAIN like it did after the blast in December.

    36 hours of steady rain so far. Small waterfalls off the roof out the windows…

    I’d like to read the book they’ve got but I have a hard time listening to them reading it probably because I read so much quicker than they are speaking. I process faster. I gave up trying to listen to audio tapes a long time ago.



  2. Kevin Hester says:

    Many of us were fooled when the corporations set up the IPCC to prevent activist scientists from controlling the narrative. It’s been so successful they don’t even try to hide it anymore.

    Global outrage as oil executive named head of UN climate talks


  3. Kevin Hester says:

    Climate models used by the UN’s IPCC and others to project climate change are not accurately reflecting what the Arctic’s future will be.


  4. Kevin Hester says:

    Not just a scholar, academic and scientist with 64 peer reviewed papers but a former fire fighter with enormous experience in the field.
    Guy mentioned how the IPCC has been established/captured by the fossil fuel industry, we’ve exposed that link previously.


  5. […] The IPCC scientists should be publicly horsewhipped for minimizing the climate crisis since Reagan (Ronnie Raygun). Even though that was the purpose of their creation-to minimize the crisis, & defuse any positive climate activism. Thank you Heartland Institute for helping to murder the planet. Kevin Hester explains that in detail. […]

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Kevin Hester says:

    A somewhat bizarre interview with Guy with one of the hosts being an abrupt climate change sceptic from Florida! Is that the Ron Desantis effect?
    Angie Wong’s obsession with sea level rise demonstrates for me how the narrative around SLR is to some degree a red herring, climate break down is happening now, sea level rise for the bulk of the world is a long off threat we’re not likely to be around long enough to face, low level islands and Bangladesh notwithstanding.

    Holding Copout 28, effectively at a petrol station should be enough evidence that no one has any intention of confronting this runaway freight train, especially not the corporations who established the IPCC to styme activist scientists like Guy and the ones we’ve interviewed!
    When Guy and I had our radio show Nature Bats Last on PRN.FM we interviewed some amazing scientists. My technique was to have brief bullet point questions and I kept my input to the discussions short and sweet. Angie Wong and Ted Rall clearly have a different style, Guy hardly got a word in! That approach seems endemic in USA presenters! More talk, less listening!
    Separate to Guy’s segment there is good coverage of the genocide unfolding in Palestine, which is intrinsically linked to fossil fuels. That’s the conflict that has taken WW3 in Europe off everyone’s radar unless you’re in the immediate conflict zone or living in an adjacent nation, absorbing the millions of refugees the war has created! The discussion on borrowing money to fuel the war in Ukraine, the destabilising of the US dollar and banking system, is fascinating itself!
    Israhell is in the process of ethnically cleansing Gaza because huge oil and gas reserves exist offshore, and the West Bank will be needed for the construction of the Ben Gurion canal which would be a competitor to the Suez Canal in Egypt.

    This is how the human movie winds down, with incessant warmongering as we fight over the fossil fuels we can’t afford to burn!
    I find the cognitive dissonance mind boggling!


  7. Larry Johnston says:

    You can’t scare me. My Miami apartment isn’t flooding yet . Besides, I don’t like your “messaging” style. ( Or something like that. )

    When I hear “reasoning” like the drivel that comes out of the mouth of a “sceptic” like this woman, I feel like we never had a chance at informing people about the extinction we are facing. ( By the way, in my mind, you have to have some knowledge of the subject before you can actually be sceptical. )

    Thanks for your work Mr Hester. I’ve been following your commentary (and Dr McPherson’s ) for years.

    Professor Broken


  8. Kevin Hester says:

    “This outcome reflects the very lowest possible ambition that we could accept rather than what we know, according to the best available science, is necessary to urgently address the climate crisis”.
    It’s like watching Rome burning with Caligula appointing his horse to the senate, this is little different.
    Considering how ineffectual the COPS are disbanding the organisation would at least negate the roadshow’s emissions!
    Our planetary tombstone will read “The Corporations won, the ecosystem lost, in totality”.


  9. sealintheselkirks says:

    Can we use the term ‘futile’ now? Nothing is going to change.

    A cut from a Medium post that sums it all up quite well:

    While our sociopolitical systems are marketed/trumpeted as ‘representative’ and ‘for society/the people’, when one wipes away this surface narrative they are anything but[6]. They have been created by and remain controlled by society’s ‘elite’ in order to benefit a relatively small number of our species at the expense of the rest of us, as well as the entire planet and its other species. This group’s motivations are, despite narratives to the contrary, diametrically opposed to human ecological ‘sustainability’.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Kevin Hester says:

    Guy’s latest interview rips the IPCC a new one


  11. Kevin Hester says:

    Guy’s latest public presentation calling out the IPCC


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Kevin Hester

Kevin Hester is currently living on Rakino Island, a small island in the Hauraki Gulf near Auckland, New Zealand, monitoring the unravelling of the biosphere and volunteering at the Rakino Island Nursery is currently developing a proposal to create a marine reserve near by. The Island has no grid tied electricity or reticulated water.  I catch my own water from the roof and generate my electricity from the ample solar radiation on the island.

My Submission to the Ministry of the Environment
Kevin Hester, Dropping Anchor in an Exponential World
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