On the Verge of Starvation

“By 2027 the world could be facing a 214 trillion calorie deficit, says Sara Menker, founder and chief executive of Gro Intelligence, an agricultural data technology company.”
We Have Five Years To Save Ourselves From Climate Change, Harvard Scientist Says

“We have exquisite information about what that state is, because we have a paleo record going back millions of years, when the earth had no ice at either pole. There was almost no temperature difference between the equator and the pole,” said James Anderson, a Harvard University professor of atmospheric chemistry best known for establishing that chlorofluorocarbons were damaging the Ozone Layer.”

“The ocean was running almost 10ºC warmer all the way to the bottom than it is today,” Anderson said of this once-and-future climate, “and the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere would have meant that storm systems would be violent in the extreme, because water vapor, which is an exponential function of water temperature, is the gasoline that fuels the frequency and intensity of storm systems.”

People have the misapprehension that we can recover from this state just by reducing carbon emissions, Anderson said in an appearance at the University of Chicago. Recovery is all but impossible, he argued, without a World War II-style transformation of industry—an acceleration of the effort to halt carbon pollution and remove it from the atmosphere, and a new effort to reflect sunlight away from the earth’s poles.”

“This has to be done, Anderson added, within the next five years.” Oops, Published Jan 15, 2018

“The chance that there will be any permanent ice left in the Arctic after 2022 is essentially zero,” Anderson said, with 75 to 80 percent of permanent ice having melted already in the last 35 years.

“Can we lose 75-80 percent of permanent ice and recover? The answer is no.”

Not mentioned in Guy’s latest work is that as CO2 levels in the atmosphere increase, the nutritional value of the crops decreases, in a double whammy. I doubt that Sara Manker’s analysis factors in the non-linearity we are witnessing in the climate system, nor the war in Ukraine, that will drastically lower its food production this year and for the foreseeable future.
Rising CO2 is reducing nutritional value of food, impacting ecosystems.

“Things are far worse than you are being told.  Over the past few months, I have been carefully documenting facts that show that global food production is going to be way down in 2022.  Unfortunately, most people out there don’t seem to understand that the food that isn’t being grown in 2022 won’t be on our store shelves in 2023.  We are potentially facing an absolutely unprecedented worldwide food crisis next year, but the vast majority of the population doesn’t seem very alarmed about this.”
A List Of 33 Things We Know About The Coming Food Shortages

“In the 1972 bestseller Limits to Growth (LtG), the authors concluded that, if global society kept pursuing economic growth, it would experience a decline in food production, industrial output, and ultimately population, within this century. The LtG authors used a system dynamics model to study interactions between global variables, varying model assumptions to generate different scenarios. Previous empirical-data comparisons since then by Turner showed closest alignment with a scenario that ended in collapse. This research constitutes a data update to LtG, by examining to what extent empirical data aligned with four LtG scenarios spanning a range of technological, resource, and societal assumptions. The research benefited from improved data availability since the previous updates and included a scenario and two variables that had not been part of previous comparisons. The two scenarios aligning most closely with observed data indicate a halt in welfare, food, and industrial production over the next decade or so, which puts into question the suitability of continuous economic growth as humanity’s goal in the twenty-first century.”

“Let’s fast-forward nearly four years to an article published August 8th, 2022 in Australia’s leading daily newspaper, The Sydney Morning Herald. Titled, ‘We’re in trouble’: Australia risks food insecurity, expert warns, the article from more than eight months ago includes this line, quoted from the Australian Security Leaders Climate Group: “Only about five days’ worth of perishable food exists in the supply chain at any given time.”
Science Snippets: On the Verge of Starvation

Full Planet, Empty Plates: The New Geopolitics of Food Scarcity
With food scarcity driven by falling water tables, eroding soils, and rising temperatures, control of arable land and water resources is moving to center stage in the global struggle for food security. “In this era of tightening world food supplies, the ability to grow food is fast becoming a new form of geopolitical leverage. Food is the new oil,” Lester R. Brown writes.

SHOCKING: Is This Where They HIDING The FOOD!!? | Food Shortages | SHTF

A world going hungry? How conflict and climate change disrupt global food supply.

I’m going to miss eating, it was one of the few things I excelled at!

I'm an anti-imperialist, environmental activist and blue ocean sailor, who is passionate about the earth and all it's inhabitants without favour. Brace for imminent impact as we bare witness to the non-linear unraveling of the biosphere and habitability disappearing for most if not all complex life on the only habitable planet we know of. To quote President Niinistö in North Russia: ‘If We Lose the Arctic, We Lose the World’. Folks we have lost the Arctic.

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77 comments on “On the Verge of Starvation
  1. Kevin Hester says:

    Lester Brown, 2012


  2. Kevin Hester says:

    “Iraq’s signature anbar rice is disappearing amid water shortages
    Severe water shortages in Iraq are affecting the cultivation of the country’s signature anbar rice. The lack of water is being caused by a combination of climate change and geopolitics. The World’s Sara Hassan speaks with a farmer who can no longer grow the crop in southern Najaf province.”



  3. Kevin Hester says:

    Guy and I have been discussing the threat climate change poses to food production.
    This new paper confirms our concerns.
    It’s nothing that Guy didn’t already know but it is a new paper just released confirming our predicament is always worse than we knew yesterday.


  4. Kevin Hester says:

    In 1989 the UN published an article stating that we had a 10-year window of ‘opportunity’ to avoid dangerous climate change, we have more than doubled our emissions since then and the UN is still saying much the same thing.
    The juggernaut of Industrial capitalism ensured that emissions would not just grow but accelerate.
    Last century it was common for us, when discussing the future, to speak about the issue of “Tipping Points” or “Feedback Loops”, now that we have crossed at least 60 of them, the large NGO’s and the UN have dropped the subject.



  5. Kevin Hester says:

    Another twist on the collapse of the global food supply.

    Wild food counts for millions of people and other fauna.


  6. Kevin Hester says:

    “The recent attacks of Yemen-based Houthi rebels on ships in the Red Sea have paralyzed shipping through the Suez Canal, forcing exporters in the Black Sea region and elsewhere to consider alternative—and more costly—shipping routes. In early January, A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S, the world’s second-largest container ship company, announced it would suspend shipments through the Red Sea. Trade volumes in the Suez Canal are down an estimated 40% since the attacks began.”

    “Such choke point disruptions to global shipping, while rare, have recently cropped up in diverse locations.”


  7. Kevin Hester says:

    Guy’s latest lecture and analysis delves into the building global food production crisis.
    Not only are yields declining, but as the temperature rises, the nutritional value of the crops declines in a double whammy.



  8. Richard Henry Powell says:

    That the nutritional value of crops decreases with higher temperatures and higher CO2 levels has been mentioned in many of the books I’ve studied concerning climate change’s consequences on agriculture. Also, if crops ripen too quickly both nutrition and yield are effected, decreased.

    Liked by 1 person

    • sealintheselkirks says:

      It sure isn’t going to get better. Doses of Hopium aren’t really going to work, especially with what this article shows:

      **NOTE: This article is extremely dishonest with the timeline because the author(s) completely discounting the hundred years of industrialization!! It specifically used 1850-1900 as ‘pre-industrial.’ A very un-funny joke.

      2023 Broke Temperature Records. Will 2024 Be Even More Extreme?

      Climate scientists have confirmed that last year’s heat was unprecedented, surpassing records by a wide margin—but it could be one of the coolest years to come


      Then there is this guy Zeke:

      (cut from a Medium posting)

      View at Medium.com

      …Making Sense of the Trends

      While the prospect of experiencing the hottest February on record looms large, it’s essential to grasp the broader context of climatic unpredictability. Berkeley Earth scientist Zeke Hausfather warns that the likelihood of surpassing the 2°C warming threshold temporarily is influenced by the peak impact of El Niño.
      Likely? Temporarily? Happened officially last Fall, dude, where you been? Just like the Smithsonian ‘mistakenly’ stating 1850 as the start, eh?

      Selkirk Range weather:

      Continued small rain squalls mixed with sunshine days (chill winds, though) and 3-10C during the days. Blue sky and the sun feels too warm on the arm for this time of year. Nothing more than 5 or 6 cm of snow at any one time at my elevation, most melts off by afternoon, but the -10C nights are the only thing making that possible. Unlike California with another series of monster snowstorms and deluge rain, or Texas with the largest out-of-control wildfire in the state ever that is still burning, or the no snow in Wisconsin’s winter for much of anything related to snow sports, we’re mostly just in the damned doldrums as far as getting smacked. Until the switch gets flipped and the furnace starts up again by June where, instead of the last frost sometime that month, I’m expecting temps to be cracking towards 50’C by the end of that month.

      Okay, that’s enough bad news from me, yes?


      Liked by 1 person

  9. sealintheselkirks says:

    Here’s another quick vid glimpse of current ‘trends’ in the US:



    Liked by 1 person

  10. Kevin Hester says:

    Tens of thousands of people live from the food caught in the Hauraki Gulf, it’s been feeding me all my life.
    This invasive weed will exterminate all Sealife in the Hauraki Gulf. A huge part of my life and lifestyle is dying.
    Over the years Guy and I have identified numerous existential threats, new ones pop up daily.


  11. sealintheselkirks says:

    And then there are bananas dying across four continents due to a fungal disease…caused by global warming. A food staple plant for tens of millions.

    Yeah, starvation is coming, no doubt about that.



    Liked by 1 person

  12. Kevin Hester says:

    Prepping for NTHE
    Erik Michaels · Favourites · 18 m ·
    “Much of what is discussed here is in earlier videos I have posted here, but take a look at what he has to say about agriculture at the 54:30 mark. We’ve talked about this before too, but to have this stark of a reminder might be beneficial for folks on the fence about food and water security:


  13. […] threatening Canfield Oceans? CheckSociopathic or psychopathic nuclear armed world leaders? CheckStarvation killing people over much of Africa and now Palestine. Check A global Ponzi scheme masquerading as a global economy? CheckAtlantic Meridional Overturning […]


  14. Kevin Hester says:

    This year, rice production declined from 31.53 million tonnes to 30.9 million tonnes. Notably, rice prices increased in February relative to the previous year.

    Opinion | Southeast Asia’s heatwaves threaten food security. How can nations adapt? | South China Morning Post (scmp.com)


  15. Kevin Hester says:

    Farmers warn food aisles will soon be empty because of crushing conditions: ‘We are not in a good position’

    Farmers warn food aisles will soon be empty because of crushing conditions: ‘We are not in a good position’ (yahoo.com)


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Kevin Hester

Kevin Hester is currently living on Rakino Island, a small island in the Hauraki Gulf near Auckland, New Zealand, monitoring the unravelling of the biosphere and volunteering at the Rakino Island Nursery is currently developing a proposal to create a marine reserve near by. The Island has no grid tied electricity or reticulated water.  I catch my own water from the roof and generate my electricity from the ample solar radiation on the island.

My Submission to the Ministry of the Environment
Kevin Hester, Dropping Anchor in an Exponential World
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