The Convergence of the Next El Niño–Southern Oscillation & the Arctic Sea Ice Minimum

As the triple dip La Niña wanes, we need to consider the consequences of the next El Niño on the Arctic Sea Ice minimum, which ‘normally’ unfolds in the middle of September. That could soon stretch into October, adding weeks to the melt season, with its attendant consequences.

Senior Management Pauline Schneider, First Mate Guy McPherson, Skipper Kevin Hester.

“The ENSO Outlook continues at LA NIÑA, but La Niña is weakening.”
“Although NINO indices in the tropical Pacific are similar to two weeks ago, cool sea surface temperature anomalies in the central and particularly the eastern tropical Pacific have weakened. However, the atmosphere remains indicative of La Niña.”
“Climate models anticipate neutral ENSO during February 2023.”
“La Niña typically increases the chance of above average summer rainfall in northern and eastern Australia.”

We’ll have more certainty in May or June 2023. I expect it to be a catastrophic tipping point and “Step Change” in the great unravelling of the biosphere. The Great Barrier Reef and I wait with bated breath, sigh. ENSO Forecast; An alert system for the El Niño–Southern Oscillation

To stay in touch with the Arctic Sea Ice levels, I highly recommend both Zack Labe and Kris Van Steenbergen

Michael Dowd courageously brought up the subject of “Climate Grief”. Michael has a superlative series of interviews under the “Post Doom” framework. The series including one interview with me can be found here: Post Doom, Regenerative conversations exploring overshoot grief, grounding, and gratitude.
We discussed Stephen Jenkinson’s seminal work which can be found here: Stephen Jenkinson returns to Nature Bats Last

I’ve previously delved into the issue of climate grief: The Coming Tsunami of Grief
Managing our grief and more importantly the grief of our youth, is our biggest pre-collapse challenge.

It’s impossible to have this discussion without addressing the issue of tipping points we’ve already triggered. Guy McPherson has chronicled over six dozen in his monster climate change essay “Climate Change Summary”.

One of the audience questions concerned the slowing down of the AMOC. My reply was that its current consequence has been the disruption of the Jetstream’s.
Jennifer Francis has done excellent, if conservative work in this field. Jennifer Francis – Understanding the Jetstream

Below is an image of what the Jetstream’s used to look like. To see what it looks like today check out “Climate Reanalyzer” for the latest meandering!

The subject of pestilence came up and the fact that “Smallpox” formerly eradicated, has remerged from the melting permafrost. More on that threat: Pestilence: Another Consequence of Losing the Cryosphere and the Permafrost

Professor Paul Ehrlich’s new book was discussed and can be found here: Life: A Journey through Science and Politics

Our interview with Professor Corey Bradshaw on his paper “Extinction Cascades “is embedded below: Professor Corey Bradshaw explains the unfolding “Extinction Cascades” on Nature Bats Last.

The critical issue Professor McPherson and I wish to convey is the rapidity of the unravelling.
To quote Professor Albert Bartlett: “The Greatest Shortcoming of the Human Race is our Inability to Truly Understand the Exponential Function.

Good luck everyone, we sure are going to need it! Soon the living will envy the dead.
Have your own say on our predicament below & subscribe to the blog to keep up with my interpretation of the great unravelling of the biosphere. Aroha Nui from Aotearoa New Zealand.
If you feel the urge to buy me a pint or two you can do it via Paypal:

I'm an anti-imperialist, environmental activist and blue ocean sailor, who is passionate about the earth and all it's inhabitants without favour. Brace for imminent impact as we bare witness to the non-linear unraveling of the biosphere and habitability disappearing for most if not all complex life on the only habitable planet we know of. To quote President Niinistö in North Russia: ‘If We Lose the Arctic, We Lose the World’. Folks we have lost the Arctic.

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Posted in Aerosol Masking Effect, Climate Grief, Corey Bradshaw, Early Stage Runaway, Feedback loops, Nature Bats Last, Pestilence, Professor Guy McPherson, Zack Labe
69 comments on “The Convergence of the Next El Niño–Southern Oscillation & the Arctic Sea Ice Minimum
  1. sealintheselkirks says:

    And what is this El Nino going to do to Antarctica summer…so thinks Hunziker today:

    Just how fast is this freaking chunk of ice going to melt in the next few months? I’m betting it isn’t going to be surprising to some people, eh Kevin? What going to fall off/break up/disintegrate next?


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Kevin Hester says:

    “This year ‘virtually certain’ to be warmest in 125,000 years, EU scientists say”.
    Next year will be much warmer when the full effects of the El Nino kicks in.


  3. sealintheselkirks says:

    Oh man am I seeing it up here already. Zero snow on the ground anywhere except a very light dusting on the tallest peaks. Temps are barely below freezing at night, ground isn’t frozen yet, and above 0’C again today topping out at 7’C this afternoon under a clear sunny sky. The ski hill only has snow on Chewelah Peak under the lift but zero at the lodge except for a big pile they have been running ‘snowguns’ (icy-crap-guns) draining drinking water supplies to make. They did this maybe three weeks ago and had a huge pile that was supposed to be spread out to help them open for the season…then it rained. Now they are trying it again. But there is NO BASE and certainly not enough to get people back down to the lodge on ice paths like they did last year opening with five freaking inches which is insanely dangerous but, you know, gets them money coming in because boarders and skiers are so hungry to go play. Not this year! The poor multi-millionaire that bought my local hill from the family-run business has sunk nearly $10 million into this low-elevation hill.

    Guess there’s an ‘atmospheric river’ hitting California already this winter from a phone call from a former Kenpo student I had a couple days ago, but hey, all that 7% more water evaporation has to go somewhere
    and fall, eh?

    May we live in interesting times.


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Kevin Hester says:

    Dr. James E. Hansen
    15 December at 05:04 ·
    “Staggering acceleration of global warming is underway, driven by a huge planetary energy imbalance, which in turn is traced mainly to our Faustian aerosol bargain. Six months more of the acceleration are still to come. See Measuring Stick”


  5. sealintheselkirks says:

    Missing the feeling of a white Christmas? That might be solastalgia.

    I’m sure feeling this as there really isn’t much snow here at all, and not just at my elevation, in these mountains. The US measurement of 1″ of snow covering the ground on Christmas morning (not falling, just having that much). Since that means one is having a ‘white’ Christmas, it certainly didn’t measure up today. Nothing on trees or roofs, huge patches of dirt circles spreading out in all directions from the conifers since the last tiny snowfall, along with bare ground and grass showing. Daytime temperature isn’t even freezing at this point.

    I’ve been watching it shift in these mountains for twenty winters now, and many years more in the Bear River Range and in Mt. Shasta


    Liked by 1 person

    • sealintheselkirks says:

      This just came up, first I’d heard of it.

      El Niño Could Be Gone By Spring, Experts Predict

      Hit -23’F before sunrise this morning, -16’F a half hour after, and the bright blue sky mid-afternoon sunshine was a whopping 4’F. I know that 0’C is 32’F and -40’C is the same as -40’F, but I don’t know all the F to C conversions between these temps… Forgive my ignorance!

      The high winds from the N/E coming down didn’t get this far west so it didn’t hit -30F to -40’F/C windchills. But they are blasting through everywhere east of me. Holy shit are they!

      Having two huge and very cold storms running across the US the same week, one after another, with tornadoes smashing towns from Florida to the far north seems a bit extreme to me but wadda I know? I’m not wealthy or famous so I don’t count!

      Also, I find it a bit suspicious that the massive bulge of that ‘Polar Vortex’ air mass and storms that is supposed to stay up in the Arctic is no longer being called ‘The Polar Vortex’ which sounded so ominous to so many people.

      Instead they are now ‘calling’ it, and the storms as they smash across the country with hurricane-level wind and fucking tornadoes in January, by cute little names like they do with hurricanes/tropical cyclones.

      I remember when tornadoes were NOT in the middle of the winter! Doesn’t anybody else?

      And doesn’t this all sound a bit familiar?

      Oh yeah, GLOBAL WARMING suddenly becoming climate ‘change’ out of fucking nowhere thanks to Frank Luntz the Wbush weenie PR speech writer thereby lessening the fear factor inherent in the first. Which I’m guessing somebody in the Biden crowd decided that, just like Wbush, they needed to lessen the impact but far more accurate label that was affecting the oil president’s popularity.

      Oh wait, all of them are oil presidents. Look at their records not their lying speechwriting weenies. Or as you’d say down there, fookin bloody wankers!


      Liked by 1 person

  6. sealintheselkirks says:

    Talking aerosol masking and how 2023 BROKE ALL WEATHER MODELING. Oops. The models didn’t work for right now, where did this El Nino come from, even mentions geoengineering (which Schmidt lays out the absolute problems with that). Everything it seems is in a WTF moment. Head of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies which primarily deals with atmospheres…

    This is pretty good, makes a lot of sense, and Schmidt pretty much said WE ARE FUCKED.

    How 2023 Broke Our Climate Models with Neil deGrasse Tyson & Gavin Schmidt 16minutes




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Kevin Hester

Kevin Hester is currently living on Rakino Island, a small island in the Hauraki Gulf near Auckland, New Zealand, monitoring the unravelling of the biosphere and volunteering at the Rakino Island Nursery is currently developing a proposal to create a marine reserve near by. The Island has no grid tied electricity or reticulated water.  I catch my own water from the roof and generate my electricity from the ample solar radiation on the island.

My Submission to the Ministry of the Environment
Kevin Hester, Dropping Anchor in an Exponential World
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