Professor Corey Bradshaw explains the unfolding “Extinction Cascades” on Nature Bats Last.

Professor Corey Bradshaw from Flinders University was this month’s guest on Nature Bats Last.

The audio of the episode is embedded here:

“Dr. Bradshaw is the Matthew Flinders Fellow in Global Ecology at Flinders University, where he directs the Global Ecology Laboratory and is also Chief Investigator of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Australian Biodiversity and Heritage. He heads the Flinders Modelling Node of the latter organization. Professor Bradshaw has published some 300 peer-reviewed scientific articles, 11 book chapters and 3 books. His book titles include The Effective Scientist, published by Cambridge University Press and, from Chicago University Press and co-authored by occasional guest on this show Professor Paul Ehrlich, Killing the Koala and Poisoning the Prairie. In total, his work has been cited more than 20,000 times. Bradshaw is co-Head of the Ecology Section of the Faculty of 1000 and a Fellow of the Royal Society of South Australia. He was awarded the 2017 Verco Medal from the Royal Society of South Australia, a 2017 Rockefeller Foundation ‘Bellagio’ Writer’s Fellowship, the 2010 Australian Ecology Research Award from the Ecological Society of Australia, the 2010 Scopus Young Researcher of the Year, the 2009 HG Andrewartha Medal, and a 2008 Young Tall Poppy Science Award. He is regularly featured in Australian and international media for his research. The Professor’s blog has been visited more than 2.3 million times.” Quoting  Professor Guy McPherson

Links to Professor Bradshaw’s published works are embedded here, his personal blog with a subscription option is Conservation Bytes 

“More than 99% of all species that have ever existed have gone extinct”. See the short presentation at the top of the Professor Bradshaw’s blog for more on that diamond of information and lets get over our human hubris and invincibility.
We have previously discussed on the show Professor Bradshaw’s work with Professor Paul Ehlich. That episode is embedded in the following link: Professor Paul Ehrlich returns to Nature Bats Last
Until recently I assumed that at least Tardigrades would get through the extinction bottleneck. That has recently be called into question as we discussed on the show and  below;
“Tardigrades are tough little critters. When conditions get nasty, they can dry out, reconfigure their bodies and enter suspended animation – called dessication – for years. You can throw virtually anything at them: frozen temperatures, zero oxygen, high pressures, the vacuum of space, cosmic radiation, and even being boiled.”

“But new research has shown these tiny organisms may have a weakness – long-term exposure to high temperatures, even in their dessicated state. The longer the temperatures are maintained, the lower the tardigrades’ chances of survival.”
Tardigrades Are Basically Indestructible, But Scientists Just Found Their Weak Point

In the following embedded Flinders University presentation Professor Bradshaw jokes that his colleagues describe him as Dr or Professor Doom. This subtle form of gas lighting has stoked scientific reticence as the extinction event accelerates, discouraging the less courageous scientists from telling you what they really think is unfolding. Professor Guy McPherson and I admire Professor Bradshaw’s courage, professionalism and scientific integrity. BRAVE | There’s No Plan(et) B – What you can do about Earth’s extinction emergency.

Carl Sagan Extinction is the rule.

Professor Bradshaw and I discussed the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Embedded below is the trailer to a new documentary titled “Murder On The Reef”

All my time at sea over 16 ‘blue water’ passages and hundreds of races taught me the importance of the “Precautionary Principal”. The prudent skipper needs a wide margin of error. Caution and prudence seems to have been cast to the wind as the dominant culture grinds the living planet into dust.
Next months guest will be Jeff Gibbs, director of “Planet of the Humans” recently censored off You Tube for daring to question the renewables sector.

I'm an anti-imperialist, environmental activist and blue ocean sailor, who is passionate about the earth and all it's inhabitants without favour. Brace for imminent impact as we bare witness to the non-linear unraveling of the biosphere and habitability disappearing for most if not all complex life on the only habitable planet we know of. To quote President Niinistö in North Russia: ‘If We Lose the Arctic, We Lose the World’. Folks we have lost the Arctic.

Posted in Abrupt Climate Change, Corey Bradshaw, Extinction Cascades, Extinction Rebellion, Jeff Gibbs, Nature Bats Last, Professor Guy McPherson, Professor Paul Ehrlich, The Great Barrier Reef
84 comments on “Professor Corey Bradshaw explains the unfolding “Extinction Cascades” on Nature Bats Last.
  1. I’ve got the answer! We just need to find some Unobtainium and all our worries will be taken care of by the new corporation that will take complete control and save us all. And don’t worry, these will be NICE corporate rulers who will give all those miner kids unlike the current corporate heads that won’t. Those clips included made this all so clear!

    Or maybe it was the fungi chocolates talking about magical non-thinking…

    And Hansen didn’t relate what he told Congress to any of the papers that had already come out on Global Warming/Greenhouse Effect. I never thought about that before. Hmmmm.

    Well of course it’s about maintaining the status quo for these powerpoint people. Who wants to be broke and poor and going to the food bank every week? Who wants to never afford another vacation, ever? Mann has a good gig and knows it and he did give the world the Hockey Stick graph after all! He just needs to keep the game going until, of course, it all goes tits up but not until after he dies of old age which is probably his magical hope.


    And if we can’t discover Unobtainium, we have this to fall back on!

    Nuclear Fusion: Why the Race to Harness the Power of the Sun Just Sped Up

    Fusion companies have now raised $2.3 billion in investment, believing they can begin producing unlimited amounts of zero emissions energy by the 2030s.
    By Tom Wilson in Oxford and Ian Bott in London, Financial Times


    And no, I don’t hear a single word about the lag time between emission of GHGs and when the effects hit. Not a peep just about everywhere I read.

    I hope Guy appreciates my not sending him any questions whatsoever.



  2. […] “Climate change is one of a host of environmental ills for which technological solutions are being proposed. In fact, most of the proposed solutions exacerbate environmental ills in other dimensions such as species loss and mass extinction. This tendency of technological reasoning to ‘bleed’ from one dimension or axis to another— to cause unintended consequences, is a function of the structure of this type of reasoning.”“Paradoxically, calls for analytical rigor tend to narrow the realm of scientific concern, thereby raising the range of unintended consequences. This paradox is internal to the structure of technological reasoning. In practical terms, the 2018 IPCC Report on climate change relies on dubious technology to produce ‘negative carbon emissions.’ This both distracts attention away from more plausible methods and it could wildly exacerbate mass extinction.” Climate Change and Technology Mark Brimblecombe’s piece de resistance on the mitigation myth is a must read; “It is not nice to be told that you have been diagnosed with a terminal condition. It is even worse to be given false hope that if you did this or that you could mitigate the problem or turn it around when it cannot. If a medical practitioner does this, they lose their job. But climate scientists do this frequently, and probably to keep their job. It is virtue-signalling to agree with national and international climate agreements which propose that we can fix this by reducing (mitigating) our carbon footprint and carbon emissions… and so continue ‘business as usual’ and live happily ever after.” Climate Change and the Mitigation Myth In the above video I mentioned the paper by Professor Corey Bradshaw suggesting that even Tardigrades are in danger. Our interview with Professor Bradshaw and links to the paper we discussed are embedded following; Professor Corey Bradshaw explains the unfolding “Extinction Cascades” on Nature Bats Last. […]


  3. Kevin Hester says:

    “Curtin-led research has revealed an increase in levels of both acid and hydrogen sulfide in the ocean was the double whammy that wiped out marine life during a mass extinction event 201 million years ago.”


  4. Kevin Hester says:

    Sam Carana

    In ‘Environmental thresholds for mass-extinction events’, Guy McPherson, Beril Sirmacek and Ricardo Vinuesa point at an analysis by Song et al. (2021) that shows how major mass extinctions over the past 541 million years (the Phanerozoic) are linked to temperature rises higher than 5.2°C and rates of change higher than 10°C/Myr.
    Authors point out that, next to temperature rise and rates of change, there are further variables such as rates of deforestation, ocean acidification and spreading of toxic substances that can additionally contribute to cause species to disappear.
    Accordingly, many species are likely to go extinct at rises much lower than 5°C.
    Humans – who depend on many species – could go extinct with a 3°C rise.
    This makes it even more critical to assess how much the temperature has already risen from pre-industrial. As illustrated by the image at the top, we may already be more than 2°C above pre-industrial and face a potentially huge temperature rise over the next few years.
    From the post ‘When will humans go extinct?’, at:


  5. sealintheselkirks says:

    Extinction of species, All species end up this way and why do we think we’re so different? Because we are doing to ourselves! That DOES make us special, the only species on the planet ever to do that.

    And this new species pterosaur was found by a paleontologist on the Island of Skye at low tide and they almost lost it. I wonder if 170 million years from now if some intelligent species will be cutting my fossilized skeleton out of a rock with a diamond saw?


    Liked by 1 person

  6. Kevin Hester says:

    Guy and I have had the pleasure of interviewing the two primary scientists mentioned in this latest paper by Professor’s Corey Bradshaw and Paul Ehrlich.


    • sealintheselkirks says:

      Anecdotal from me:

      After last year’s ‘Heat Dome’ smothered me with 116-120’F/48C temperatures the bugs and the birds died or left. They did not come back in Fall when temps finally dropped.

      This Spring has seen the wettest Spring in decades in these mountains but there are fewer bird species and practically no flying insects compared to what used to be normal. It’s was 96’F today, hot sunshine, and there would always be huge clouds of little tiny bugs buzzing in massed circles off the front porch between the apple tree and the Ponderosa pine. You could see them in the sun’s rays every afternoon. There would be multiple species of birds flitting around, all sorts of different bird calls and song bursting out. It was a symphony.

      It’s 1July and walking down to the gate to check the mail there were just a few birds flying about and I heard just a few songs. And nearly zero flying bugs. The space between the property trees are completely empty except for yellow jackets and house flies buzzing past. Definitely not the crowds of madly circling tiny bugs I’ve always seen. I did catch sight of different butterflies at least, one quite large and I didn’t recognize it at all. Beautiful, though.

      The flowers finally came out after all the rain and now intense sunshine, and I passed through the multiple scents halfway to the gate. Intoxicating. But nearly no bugs on them.

      There are hardly any moths flying to the windows at night demanding to be let in (when they do I catch them and put them back out). I have heard a couple of owls lately. Obviously a mated pair as they call back and forth to one another. But I don’t know what the bats could be eating unless it’s mosquitoes. Plenty of them around at dusk.

      This is spooky, dude.

      Yesterday there was a little cloud of circling bugs in a ray of sunshine beaming down through the T-storm cloud masses that were boiling in. I could see them between the apple tree and the Ponderosa pine off the front porch. Not thousands like it was a year ago but at least a few hundred maybe. But only one little cloud instead of the entire yard being full of them. So they’re not all gone.

      Did I breathe a sigh of relief? No, the change is so massive in what used to be normal that I’m just shaking my head instead. I did see one robin yesterday, probably one of the babies born on this property in the last few years but there used to be a couple of dozen just two summers ago all born on the property.

      I’ve got a kid’s book nearly done, Woodshed Baby Robins, where I took all the pictures under the woodshed roof of the stages from blue eggs to open red-rimmed beaks waiting for the camera to feed them to first feathers and the teetering of the bravest about to jump off the nest for its first flight. And of it landing it with mama robin in the background. Pre-school age book, one for parents to read while they look at the pictures. I think it’s pretty cool though I do need to edit the backgrounds a bit and then zoom in better.

      I haven’t seen a single robin nest this year. Not one.

      A few other little birds have been hitting the suet feeders including woodpeckers that don’t eat suet. What’s up with that? I think there are far fewer bugs to peck out of the tree bark is what. I’m guessing because they have to be pretty dang hungry to be eating seeds… I’ve got a couple of nests in birdhouses but most are completely empty. I think they are swallows. The dozen or so hummingbirds have disappeared with only a male Rufus and a male Calliope still showing up. Maybe the females are sitting on eggs at this point?

      A few bird songs chirping yesterday, too, which was nice to hear. I don’t know the species but there are some I’d recognize that haven’t been heard yet. It’s July already so I don’t think the mountain bluebirds and the other missing birds are going to show up to nest…

      Yesterday also saw a very quick moving T-storm blow in, thunder booming in the distance as it flowed across the mountains from the southwest with flickering multiple lightning strobe lights up in the clouds that turned into a deluge of very large raindrops pounding on the roof. Then the hail hit while I was out back moving the cannabis garden into the shop to avoid having them crushed by the onslaught on a hand truck. Happened fast and the rain was so heavy it was already bending them by the time I got them in. The hail hurt hitting my bare arms. No kidding! I was wearing my summer Aussie wide brim river-runner hat to protect my head but dang those ice balls were smacking me hard. I did get them in without hail punching holes through leaves or breaking limbs and stalks. They were a bit droopy from the rain pounding on them but perked up under the T-5 grow lights within a couple of hours.

      Strange that the clouds were moving fast across the sky but at my elevation the trees were hardly moving. Was predicted to happen today which I don’t mind a bit being that it keeps the idiots from starting wildfires due to all the fireworks being lit off in these mountains from people who don’t think very well. Celebrate ‘Freedom’ with the sounds of war never did make much sense to me…

      You did hear about the radical religious extremists on the US unSupreme Court that just made the decision that the EPA cannot regulate ‘Clean Air’ from coal-fired power plants, yes? Actually, they cancelled the ability of the government to regulate ANYTHING that big business wants to spew. Here is a list of what they’ve destroyed in this country in the last few weeks. From counterpunch Roaming Charges 7July:

      + The damage assessment from the cluster bombing of rulings dropped by the Supreme Court over the past few weeks, includes:

      gutting Miranda (Egbert v. Boule) the rule that makes cops inform you of your rights,

      forcing the state of Maine to fund schools that provide religious instruction (Carson v. Marin),

      refusing to consider evidence of innocence appeals in death penalty cases (Shinn v. Ramirez),

      curtailing the ability of states and cities to enact gun safety laws (New York State Rifle Ass. v. Bruen),

      overturning Roe (Mississippi Dept. Health Services v. Dobbs), NOTE: abortion is now illegal again.

      legalizing prayers by teachers and coaches at public schools during school hours (Kennedy v. Bremerton),

      obliterating tribal sovereignty over law enforcement on Indian lands (Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta), NOTE: colonialism at its finest!

      eviscerating the EPA’s ability to regulate carbon emissions from coal plants (W. Virginia v. EPA), NOTE: which will apply to EVERY regulating agency over polluting businesses

      approving grossly gerrymandered congressional districts along racial lines (Robinson v. Ardoin)

      and, as a parting shot, granting cert. to hear a crazy case (Moore v. Harper) in the fall involving the the “independent state legislature theory”  that could completely upend how elections are administered for the next presidential election.

      A Mad Max world, Kevin, orchestrated by an un-elected group of six mentally deranged extremely right wing Roman Catholic cultists who have no restraints to do whatever the fuck comes into their pointy little mindless heads. If there were gods watching this world they would have hit them all with heart attacks by now for being so insane and a danger to us all…but there aren’t any gods and we’re on our own and so so screwed anyway.

      This is the link to the entire piece. It’s a hell of a list that shows the total insanity going on. My advice? Stay the hell out of this dying collapsing country because HELL is coming and it will be wrapped in a flag carrying a bible with an AR-15 in the other hand…

      Roaming Charges: Whatd’Ya Expect Us to Do About It?

      My parting shot today:

      ‘Tipping Point of No Return’ Feared as Amazon Rainforest Fires Surge


      Liked by 1 person

  7. Kevin Hester says:

    “Big fish sightings are spiking. Climate change may be the cause.”
    The migration professor Bradshaw and we predicted is underway.


  8. Kevin Hester says:

    “In part, the issue is the change of water temperature conditions required to support certain species life cycles. It appears that global warming’s impact is displacing them northward as the equatorial waters turn too warm.”


  9. […] we described the phenomenon as creating what it is, a “Planetary Gas Chamber” for most, if not all complex life on the planet, perhaps we might have acted to save the biosphere rather than perpetuate the […]

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve often agreed with his writing but this one; well, let’s just say he’s not wanting to get the extended picture because, as he wrote, “Thinking about anything extreme is unpleasant. War, fires, tornadoes, floods, and other disasters are faces of extreme reality. Extreme heat is part of that reality. Human mind avoids such confrontations.”

      Electric cars and not growing animal feed just isn’t going to make that much of a change except to cut aerosol masking, yes? No matter what effort is put in place at this point just isn’t going to matter. We’ve done so much damage that there is no going back. Do something fun every day!

      Extreme Heat
      Another article on CP today was this one:

      Wall-to-Wall Mourning in Food Bank Britain

      I don’t get why so-called Royalty is so revered when they are part of the overall problem!

      Selkirk weather: Mid-80s/28C and obviously we will never have the ‘normal’ Labor Day first frost probably ever again. Definitely has cooled down during the nights which is certainly welcome. Star-fields were blazingly bright last night, it was really nice to stand out in the dark between the conifers until my eyes adapted.


      Liked by 1 person

  10. Kevin Hester says:

    This is an accelerating catastrophe;


  11. Kevin Hester says:

    “In 2012, for the first time, bluefin tunas were caught as bycatch in a trawl fishery in waters off East Greenland. This was an eyeopener that something dramatic has happened to the subarctic ecosystem.


  12. I just read this and wow, what a sensible comment!

    If you are going to tell people the truth, you better make them laugh; otherwise they’ll kill you.

    George Bernard Shaw

    Sound like oil companies. Sounds like the wealthy sociopaths. Sounds like the military leaders. Sounds like all corporations. Sounds like pretty much every damned government in the world. Tell the truth and all these entities will try to kill you in one way or another.

    Things keep looking grimmer and grimmer.


    Liked by 1 person

  13. […] with Professor Corey Bradshaw on his paper “Extinction Cascades “is embedded below: Professor Corey Bradshaw explains the unfolding “Extinction Cascades” on Nature Bats Last.The critical issue Professor McPherson and I wish to convey is the rapidity of the unravelling.To […]


    • Because they can’t tell the fucking truth or people will just…lose it. Utter primate madness will overtake one hell of a lot of the citizens who are sold on the idea that everything we’ve become used to in the last 70 years, the ‘good life’ since WWII is humming along just fine. With the advent of television in every home by the early 60s (even the poorest families-excepting the houseless, have them!) to spew the never-ending Capitalist propaganda of ever-lasting bountiful resources on a finite planet.

      My computer documents file is locking me out for some microsoft-hell reason and I can’t access my saved stuff without ‘permission from the administrator’ (yeah, I’m the fucking administrator but it doesn’t believe me), so I can’t post the article about the estimated 5 billion birds that have gone missing in the US recently not found during a country-wide count. But I might already have done that.

      So, WTF are you kidding me was the thought when I read it, but then I talked with people I know down the West Coast in Oregon and Cali, friends on the mid-East Coast and in the middle of the country. Way less birds that when they grew up. They are saying the same thing about their areas that I am about mine. Bird song is going away.

      I certainly has lost the majority of the smaller species that have always been here every spring the last two decades. And this winter nearly none of the ones that winter here every year and eat the suet feeders were around. The 2021 ‘Heat Dome’ death event slaughtered, or ran off, most of them. I put out a couple of squares of the stuff in one feeder and they were there for…most of the winter until the rain/snow supersaturated them and they rotted through the wire ending up on the ground where the turkeys got to it.

      So only 3% they said? Honestly Kev, I think it was a mis-print. The computer somehow dropped the 9 that was supposed to be in front of the 3… This country is really starting to look like what Trump calls a “shithole country.” One of the ravaged and stripped of resources by the colonial/industrial wealthy that looks down on the 3rd World poverty zones that they helped create.

      Is that another definition of hubris?

      How about this one?

      Is This the End of Forests As We’ve Known Them?

      Trees lost to drought and wildfires are not returning. Climate change is taking a toll on the world’s forests – and radically changing the environment before our eyes.

      from The Guardian by Alastair Gee but it popped up on a feed:

      Two cuts that say a mouthful:

      1) Camille Stevens-Rumann never used to worry about seeing dead trees. As a wildland firefighter in the American west, she encountered untold numbers killed in blazes she helped to extinguish. She knew fires are integral to forests in this part of the world; they prune out smaller trees, giving room to the rest and even help the seeds of some species to germinate.

      “We have largely operated under the assumption that forests are going to come back after fires,” Stevens-Rumann said.

      2) “I have to be a little careful about not sounding like some Cassandra saying the sky is falling and forests are going to die and burn – but I have seen what that looks like,” said Allen, who founded the US Geological Survey’s New Mexico Landscapes Field Station.

      On a personal level, he added, “it’s actually disorienting to me to be out in the landscapes in some ways because they’re so different from how I first knew them. Now you see a vista literally for 100 miles – you see the next mountain range 100 miles away. And [previously] you couldn’t see more than 20 meters. The canopies are thin, the whole productivity and vigor of the system is suppressed.”

      Yeah, what he says but has to ‘be a little careful’ so he doesn’t sound like a Cassandra. EXCUSE ME? Is he having a cognitive dissonance moment here?


      Liked by 1 person

  14. Kevin Hester says:

    Via Sam Carana on Facadebook:

    How do temperature extremes influence the distribution of species?
    McGill biology researchers found that there are patterns regarding the importance of temperature in determining where species live, shedding light on their sensitivity to climate change…/how-do-temperature-extremes…
    Temperate species underfill their tropical thermal potentials on land – by Nikki Moore et al.


  15. Kevin Hester says:

    “What we know is that the marine waters of south-east Australia are warming at four times the global average,” the voyage’s chief scientist, Rich Little, said.

    “Species are shifting their distributions and marine habitats are changing.”
    CSIRO ship RV Investigator using DNA to discover how life is changing in Australia’s oceans – ABC News


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Kevin Hester

Kevin Hester is currently living on Rakino Island, a small island in the Hauraki Gulf near Auckland, New Zealand, monitoring the unravelling of the biosphere and volunteering at the Rakino Island Nursery is currently developing a proposal to create a marine reserve near by. The Island has no grid tied electricity or reticulated water.  I catch my own water from the roof and generate my electricity from the ample solar radiation on the island.

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